Saturday, June 22, 2019

Taking Delight In Watching My Grandkids!

This entry is very personal. I am sitting with great contemplation and joy as I watch my grandson and granddaughter play in my backyard. They grow up way too fast. Of course, you’ve heard that before and you know all too well. It seems as though just yesterday my own kids were the age of my grandkids.

I had one of those moments, just yesterday when my granddaughter came running across the yard toward me. For a split second I could’ve swore that she was my daughter, Josslyn at that age. The way in which she ran caused me to reflect upon those years with great fondness. I take pleasure in watching our grandkids grow up.

Everything that they do is like an new adventure, every time. Their imagination is growing wild and they are learning so many new things, so quickly too! They say the darnedest things. It’s such an incredible feeling to see them grow up. It is so amazing to see their personality develop. It’s interesting to see how they often mirror our own antics and personality.

I realize that not everyone that reads this blog has grandchildren. Many don’t have children. Perhaps this is a bit of a stretch as you read this article thinking about how active your children are and all the stress that it takes to raise them. I remember those days too. It wasn’t always peaceful and easy. Yet, there were those moments when I just needed to sit back and watch them. Life goes too quickly to rush into each and every day.

So what’s my point? Why would I write this blog? Certainly it’s to remind us to be reflective and to think about the essential values that we want to pass on to our children. Of course, it is to remind us to take time to capture these special moments. Indeed it is to realize how fleeting life is.

It’s more than that, isn’t it?
Numbers 14:8 - If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey.

I can’t help but imagine how God must feel as He looks down on His children. The innocence of such little ones is a reminder of God’s original design. As He provided for them and placed His children in the garden, offering them anything and nearly everything, He had just a few restrictions. Those restrictions were intended to keep them safe. As he walked with them in their age of innocence, He took delight in what He had created. Even the many years later when he took a similar interest and joy as He offered them the Promised Land, He took delight. Yet, things did not always stay that way.
We know today that we are impacted by sin that even damaged His creation. His original plan was scarred because of the poor decisions of His created ones.

Think of your own children, they make choices as they grow. They of course are seeking independence and they have free will. Their choices are not always the ones we would have for them. Our hopes and our dreams are good for them and we want the best for them.

Thankfully that as God’s children made bad choices He provided another plan for their lives. A plan that brought redemption through His grace in Jesus Christ. Read more HERE.

Back to my grandkids. They are not angels, nor are they perfect. They grow tired and hungry. They don’t always listen to instruction and they are known to fight with each other.

It is in those special moments, like that which I’m enjoying right now, that causes me to take delight In them! I have this special time to show them love and provide as I can for them. I know my responsibility is that of a teacher and parent; one who gives careful instruction and is patient. It’s not only my responsibility to carefully instruct and lovingly correct them but to show them how to love and care about others.

Is it interesting how God uses our flawed nature to care for another generation? If we do this right, we can somehow help them to learn of the goodness of God and His plan for our lives. If we do this consistently we can help them learn of who the Bible says God is.
Proverbs 3:12 -- ... for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
For now, take joy in those moments when they say the darndest things or do the most amazing things. Laugh out loud is the experience the wonders of their curiosity. Enjoy them as they develop and build a strong relationship as best you can with them. Ultimately realize that God wants to take delight in us, His children through the  redemptive grace of His glorious plan at work in our lives.

Friday, June 21, 2019

It’s Only a Slow Leak.

I’m sure you’ve been there too. You discovered suddenly that your vehicle tire is low. This happened to me during a critical time in my travels. It’s not the only time that it’s happened but it’s one that I can talk about without feeling the frustration of that moment.

I had scheduled a breakfast one early morning out of town and after breakfast I was getting ready to head to my next appointment. Suddenly I looked down and noticed that the alert symbol on my dashboard indicated a low tire. I immediately thought, why now? As I looked at my gauge reader on the dash but it indicated that it was going down about one PSI per minute. As I started out driving I could watch the indicator as it lost pressure in the tire. I was about 20 minutes from the office and I calculated that it’s likely I could arrive and get it to the repair shop before my tire was totally flat.

It was like a contest, a competition. I could see that the tire was going down as I rapidly hurried along in hopes that my calculations were correct. I had hoped to have enough air in the tire that I would not have to stop to change it along the roadway. I did make it to the shop and the repair man pulled out a large nail embedded in the tread line of the tire.

We’ve all had those slow leaks in our lives. It’s those times when we think, it’s just a slow leak and it won’t make a difference. But in reality those slow leaks eventually end up becoming  disasters. We can see it in our habits and attitudes. We can realize it in our activities when our production seems to slow. We can even see it in our spiritual life when we neglect the important things for those that are least important.

Maybe we skimp a little bit on prayer or we cut back on our devotional life because we are hurried. We rushed through life because of all the things that seem to pick away at our schedules. Yet, it’s those little things that seem to matter which causes us to eventually lose and fall back. We cut back intentionally not recognizing the warning signs on our dashboard of life. The indications are there in front of us but we put it off because, after all it’s a slow leak.

There’s so much that could be said based on this metaphor of our tire pressure. In life we don’t always have the opportunity to refill. Sometimes the flat tire is a disaster. It’s a slowly ticking time bomb that eventually messes with so much in our lives.

It may be those little compromises that we make or shortcuts that we think will get us ahead. We are all the same in this regard. A slow leak can have major negative consequences. Proverbs 3:13 reminds us that we are blessed when we do find wisdom. In the book of James he tells us to pray for wisdom. It’s in our efforts to gain not only understanding but true wisdom in the roadway of life. Instead of taking shortcuts let us become stewards of wisdom.

A Dense Fog Can Sharpen Your Vision.

Have you ever noticed that during times when there is a dense fog that you look more intently at the road right before you more carefully? Even when driving you adjust your lights and look carefully into the fog for oncoming traffic. I believe that it can sharpen your vision.

I remember driving through dense fog late at night from Cincinnati back to Indiana. It was so extreme that I can only see but a few feet in front of me. Contributing to my lack of site was not only the fog but the darkness. My headlights were set in an effort to see the lines in the road. Those road lines were my only guides that kept me on the road.

Driving back from Cincinnati took me a lot longer than I had planned but in order to be safe I had to drive slow and watch for obstructions and other dangers. Mostly I remember saying to myself all the way home, this is intense!

This morning as I write this blog I’m reflecting on driving through the fog even this morning. The fog is not as intense as it has been another times. Along my journey I reflected and I am reminded me that when I do drive through foggy commute that I seem to be more alert. I peer into the fog with greater levels of vision. Since my commute is rather familiar I respond to the conditions with greater confidence. It is as if knowing the landmarks that appear suddenly out of the fog that I feel better about my journey. I even drive with a greater certainty even though I cannot see the distance of only a tenth of a mile.

You’ve experienced it too. You drive through the fog and peer more deeply into the unknown looking for indicators of danger or of landmarks that are familiar. Headlights ahead appear suddenly. Roadsigns become clear as you approach them and they seem to form out of the fog. You follow the lines on the roadway where your headlights guide.

The reality is that in life most everything that we encounter is like driving through the fog. There are times of uncertainty and times of hardship. There are times when life seems to be a walk of faith where the horizon is not always clear. There are times when the only thing you have to guide you are simple roadway lines and signs that suddenly appear slowly out of the fog.

It’s during those difficult times that our faith is strengthened. Where our vision can be sharpened. It’s as if we appear into the unknown and trust familiar indicators that tell you you are going to be okay. If we move through the alphabet just a few letters from F-O-G we can face the uncertainty of the situation with greater confidence. What we experience through the fog we can also know of the reality of G-O-D. It’s as if the fog is lifting and our trust in God is what brings us through.

Even though the fog falls upon the just and the unjust, as believers in God, through Jesus Christ, we can see our way through. It is because we know that our hope and deliverance comes from someone who is certain to bring us through. Our faith seems to bring hope during those times of uncertainty.

Psalms 18:6 -- But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.

Our vision is sharpened during times when the fog sets in. We can focus better and live with faith recognizing familiar signs along the roadway of life. It is through our faith in Jesus Christ that we can find hope; going from fog to God. God reminds us that He hears and answers!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wounds That Heal The Soul.

There are some competitions that only crazy people do. My two boys are only 2-years apart in age from one another. They compete in nearly everything. While they are adults today, yet they still find ways to compete with one another.

When they were children the competition was about who got the most stitches. Not that they were deliberately cutting themselves but whatever an accident whould occurred that required medical attention and even stitches, they would brag about their stitches. They often wanted stitches so that they could take the lead in the competition!

I remember taking Jeremiah to the hospital after what looked to be an injury that required stitches. To his disappointment the injury, though bad enough yet they could not stitch up the wound. They can only treat it and wrap it with the special material that would heal without being able to stitch the wound. I’m not even certain that I know who is out doing who these days.

We all have them. Many times in our injuries what remains is a scar and perhaps even a story to go with it. I’ve had them and I could tell you stories that go with each and every one of my wounds. Most of my injuries have healed and there is very little impact in my life today. Yet, like you, there are some wounds don’t heal easily. There are times when people feel on-going anger and bitterness and even hateful attitudes because of the wounds that have not healed.

For several years now I have carried a portrait on a tattered paper from a devotional that Dr. Bud Bence did. It was when I was with the team from Indiana Wesleyan when I served as Director of Alumni. The devotional had to do with the wounds that we all carry. What was rather remarkable was that the portrait I carry today is an image of the hand of Jesus, showing a wound with the question reading: "What have you done with the wounds in your life?"

I never will forget the devotional because it was so meaningful. Not that I was dealing with unresolved issues but that the profound impact from his devotional was so inspiring. This question raises for me an ongoing opportunity. Each of my scars have stories but as I surrendered them long ago to Christ those scars tell a different kind of story. It is that of redemption and transformation of my life.

The wounds that I carried where that of injuries brought upon me by others.They included broken relationships and disappointments. There was physical abuse brought to me by those that were to provide caregiving and protection. For far too long I carried those wounds that brought injury to others because I had not realized how I could turn them over to Jesus. I have heard it said the wounded people hurt others.

The devotional that Dr. Bence, gave was profound because it reminded me that Jesus has wounds because of the sin that he carried on the cross. It is unimaginable to think that one would suffer great pain and death because of my sin. To think that Jesus would love me enough to die, though perfect and without sin Himself, for my sin!
Hosea 6:1 -- A Call to Repentance:  "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds.
His wounds are enough to heal my woundedness! His death and resurrection from the dead is enough to bring healing to my soul.

In a society that is filled with wounded people, who even form their identify around their pain and scars, it is so good to know that our wounds can be healed! Isn’t it amazing how many people carry their pain when they don’t have to?

I know for me, I refuse to let wounds go untreated. I don’t do this to the open wounds on my body. I treat the wound with healing lotion and prevent it from becoming infected. I don’t pick at the scab but rather change my bandages and seek a cure of healing.

I now use the wounds in my life to tell of the redemptive story of God’s Grace and plan for my life. I can often relate to those that are hurting because I once was broken. Now I am healed and can tell of God’s incredible healing in my life. It is possible to be healed and too can receive healing for the soul through Jesus Christ!

What have you done with the wounds in your lives? 

Along the Way, Enjoy the Journey: Divine Interruptions.

I looked at the GPS mapping system to clarify for my next turn on my journey to my next appointment. I travel across Indiana meeting pastors and coordinating opportunities in Foster Care. I am in and out of small towns that are scattered all over rural Indiana.

It seems that in my last three ministry roles I have traveled extensively. I was expected to meet new people everyday. My roles often took me to places I had never been before. I often networked with community and ministry leaders.

There are so many ma-and-pa shops that sell cheap coffee and cinnamon rolls. I have eaten all the wrong things but they were so good. Homemade foods made from recipes that likely date back generations. I have asked, what is in this as I eat tasty foods. I always get the sane reply, "Family recipe...secret grandmother’s recipe!"

Located at 114 N. Wayne Street, Warren.
Today, sitting at a small cafe in Warren, Indiana  I am thinking (and writing) about how many miles I traveled to assist in support for regional offices with White’s Residential & Family Services. My goal is to build up the network of support that can assist our staff and Foster Care Parents with resources of prayer and partnerships.

Son-Rise Bakery is locally owned.

No this is not a travel log article promoting local hubs and restaurants but I have to endorse today’s experience on one of my trips. This journey was close to home in neighboring Warren, Indiana.

READ ON.... Along the way I hope that the journey us as enjoyable as the destination. I try to make every meeting meaningful for myself and those I speak with. I fill as much of my time with meetings to minimize wasted time. When it takes two-plus hours to reach my location I work the area as best I can, filling my time with cold calls on churches making introductions and leaving information about Foster Care.

Along the way I try to enjoy the journey. I cannot tell you how many small Café shops and restaurants I use to meet pastors. These become mobile offices. I use them to catch up on meeting notes, follow up communications, and placing my business cards on bulliten boards.
Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Everyday I pray before I head out that God would provide me with a divine interruption. This is a time when I trust God for a special, unexpected connection that gives me the opportunity to share my faith with someone, bringing God glory. It has happened often. I always find myself chatting with waitresses and business owners. I ask people often how I can pray for them.

Prayer is a doorway to eternity. It is a way to unlock hope and invite God’s Spirit to join the natural realm, bringing even a non-believer into things that last forever. It is the on-ramp to spiritual highways in Christian experiences. When we invite people to join us in prayer something happens through intercession.

I have seen the impact of praying for people. The unexpected happens. God, through the Holy Spirit join us! People have shared their deepest secrets. People have confessed their deepest wounds. People have laughed with joy and cried because of the heavy load they carried.

Once I asked a waitress how I could pray for her. The woman said, "Are you serious? Scoot over!" She slid into my booth and shared with detail what she was dealing with. She cried and laughed with joy as we prayed for hope and healing. I felt like we were in the restoration process of deep wounded ness.

Along the way, enjoy the journey. I make everyday as a special journey to make a difference in others and for others. I enjoy speaking with pastors who are often lonely and discouraged. I enjoy meeting people of all backgrounds and discovering how God can impact their lives, often through prayer. I make sure that my journey includes making cold calls on people I have never met prior. I try to end every one-on-one encounter and conversation with a word of encouragement.

I wonder what the Lord would do if we took time to ask Him for divine interruptions in our journeys? I have to wonder how our journey would be filled with anticipation as we find interruptions that turnout to be divinely ordered by God. I have to think that we may even be on the lookout for such great spiritual encounters that bring God glory!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Revival - How Do We Know When We Get There?

So you’ve opened up your Mapquest or your GPS system and put in an address of where you like to go. You route the best plan that it is both efficient and minimizes detours or delays. You set out for a destination and you have even mapped out your estimated time of arrival. You’re on your way!

If only revival was that simple. You might have a destination in mind but you don’t always know how to map it and especially what the estimated time of arrival will be. You might lay out certain values or expectations but the point of arrival is still uncertain.

In my previous article I talked about defining revival. Today I want to explore several indicators that revival has truly come to your community and even yourself. I want to map out a few ways that you can tell that revival is occurring. Well we know that TRUE revival doesn’t have a point and a map that we called the destinations but it is more about the journey in the experience that leaves indicators along the way. It’s a way that we know that we’re headed in the right direction.

We’ve seen it in the past and we perhaps have even experienced it in recent years when revival has truly taken route in your local church or in your community. It isn’t just an individual thing but it is a coordinated effort resulting in clear ways.

Let’s explore a few of these. What are the signs or results of revival?

1. Deeper devotion to prayer.

2. There is the fervent desire for more of God.

3. The community, Christian and non-Christian take an interest.

4. The community is impacted in a positive way.

5. Sin, including the sin of gossip and slander is replaced with a heart of love and compassion.

6. Greater unity is being developed.

Revival can be a reality in your own life as well as Church & community. Scripture offers many examples especially as you read about Josiah. Read 2 Chronicles 34:33.
2 Chronicles 34:33 -- So Josiah removed all detestable idols from the entire land of Israel and required everyone to worship the Lord their God. And throughout the rest of his lifetime, they did not turn away from the Lord, the God of their ancestors.
Revival is clearly marked by change. Positive change in the communities including attitude as well as cooperative spirit begins to be evident throughout the community. A people who are saturated by God are those that have experienced God and His outpouring impacts everything in our community.

Once we experience God in such a remarkable way we will long for His presence in our communities. We will find God‘s love expressed in tangible ways that strengthens further work that God is doing in our communities.

Read my third article as a relates to this topic addressing the subject of evangelism.  Related on the topic of evangelism is another article that I wrote on how everyone can be involved in evangelism.

Revival - Is There More? 

You’ve been there. We’ve all experienced it. It’s a reality that often we don’t fully understand. You’ve attended out of routine. You’ve gone because you’re supposed to. What is it? Hold that suspense for just a moment.

Doing the ordinary while complacency sets in. It’s just the way things are. You may even be bored but not sure why. Have you figured it out yet? Perhaps the title gave it away or deep down inside you knew the answer. Is it the church? Did you say the church? Likely you considered that it could be the local church. You may even say that it may not be your church in particular but you know that it happens in other places.

Volumes of books have been written and history has been noted of revival. You may have even attended a special series of events at your local church or a community effort to promote revival. What exactly do we mean by the term revival?
Merriam-Webster Defines it as a state of being renewed. It further defines it as a period of renewed religious interest.
The classic answers are often asserted that it is a state of been renewed. It is taking a renewed interest in religious things. Scripture seems to also reinforce this concept as we read over and over, especially in the book of Acts, of how the church developed and crew. We also know the implications of a church that has become complacent as you look at the churches of Asia-Minor in Revelation chapter three.

Today I wanna give you one more idea that I’d like for you to take very personal. Take a deep and serious look at yourself. Don’t look at the church, or your neighbor, or even those whom you can easily criticize as not being very spiritual. Don’t even look to history as a guide on what revival might look like. Simply look in the mirror at yourself and be honest. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is there room for greater spiritual awareness?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have been more deeply devoted and spiritually connected to God?

3. Is there something in your life that is interrupting your capacity for a great awakening of your spiritual life?

Do your answers invoke a concern or a deeper desire? Do you find yourself curious about the level of complacency that you are experiencing?

Renewal is not something that you could develop in yourself alone. A spiritual revival is something that only God can do, with your cooperation. We can set up the right conditions and even special church events but ultimately a sense of renewal, a.k.a. revival can only happen as we become more saturated with God.

Renewal is something that many long for. There are many promptings for a self reflection and self renewal but it’s nothing to do with revival but it does point in the right direction. You and I have been there where we are challenged to become healthy through a special diet or exercise program. We are encouraged to lose weight in an effort to help us to look and feel better. Nearly every commercial that we see as well as advertisement that we read is a tremendous reminder of the importance of renewal but it doesn’t go far enough!

True revival is something that God does in our midst. It’s as if there is a spark that is creating a fire and we become consumed by it if we choose to let it impact our lives. God, through the power of his Holy Spirit is at work within us to renew and revive our spirit! It is something that we can place ourselves in the midst of but true revival comes from God. It is a significant event that can become a corporate response but it begins with ourselves.

I hope that I can challenge you to experience revival. To get started consider these three ideas.

1. Set aside time alone with God for an extended period of time to seek a renewed spirit.

2. Remove every distraction including your cell phone and social media. Spend time with God in prayer and His Word.

3. Pray, not for petitions and supplications but with a heart of thanksgiving asking God to revive your spirit.

As you feel the urgent fervor of a renewed spirit, invite others to join you in a corporate effort to draw closer to God. You may even want to further encourage leadership of your local church to cooperate and work together so that revival can bring a renewal to your local Church and community.

You might start by asking the question; is there more? Is there more to this faith and religion than Sunday attendance & tithing? If so, get started on the journey in pursuit of a deeper, fuller faith in Christ.

Next I want to explore the signs and indicators of revival. It not only changes you but it makes a deep impact in your church and community.

You may also want to skip ahead and read my third article related to evangelism.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fatherless: Are More Children Growing Up Without Fathers? 

The growing statistic of fatherlessness Has become alarming. It is almost an epidemic according to the US census data:
There is a father absence crisis in America.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a father factor in nearly all social ills facing America today.
On this Father’s Day it’s important for us to consider how important it is that man step up and except the responsibility of fathering as well as the mentoring children and youth. Many articles have been written and even in the USA Today, June, 2018 an article exposed some of the alarming concerns that embody this topic.

As we reflect on this topic we must also give consideration to outcomes, while negative, I greatly influenced organizations to develop an a way to combat such a crisis. The consequences of children growing up without fathers is significant. Issues of poverty and crime are only part of what we see because of this growing epidemic. See more from

Another study also reveals this need according to Christian Headlines.

For Christians we believe that God is a father to the fatherless. (Psalm 68:5) We read in so many passages the importance of caring for our least and most vulnerable, children and youth. (James 1:27) As Christians we believe that we have a responsibility to step up while others step out of their responsibility and re-claim the rightful place where men can mentor and care for our youth. (Proverbs 31:8-9) As Christians we should and can make a difference.

Of course Father’s Day is all about paying tribute to dads everywhere. Their role should be esteemed and appreciated. It is fitting for us to bring up this topic but also recognize the many wonderful fathers that there are who continue in their roles and responsibility.

So let me say thank you Dad for being there as one of support and care. Thanks for being present as well as providing for my needs. Thank you for teaching me and providing care for instruction. Thanks for setting boundaries and help me to know that the sky is the limit of my potential.