Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fatherless: Are More Children Growing Up Without Fathers? 

The growing statistic of fatherlessness Has become alarming. It is almost an epidemic according to the US census data:
There is a father absence crisis in America.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a father factor in nearly all social ills facing America today.
On this Father’s Day it’s important for us to consider how important it is that man step up and except the responsibility of fathering as well as the mentoring children and youth. Many articles have been written and even in the USA Today, June, 2018 an article exposed some of the alarming concerns that embody this topic.

As we reflect on this topic we must also give consideration to outcomes, while negative, I greatly influenced organizations to develop an a way to combat such a crisis. The consequences of children growing up without fathers is significant. Issues of poverty and crime are only part of what we see because of this growing epidemic. See more from

Another study also reveals this need according to Christian Headlines.

For Christians we believe that God is a father to the fatherless. (Psalm 68:5) We read in so many passages the importance of caring for our least and most vulnerable, children and youth. (James 1:27) As Christians we believe that we have a responsibility to step up while others step out of their responsibility and re-claim the rightful place where men can mentor and care for our youth. (Proverbs 31:8-9) As Christians we should and can make a difference.

Of course Father’s Day is all about paying tribute to dads everywhere. Their role should be esteemed and appreciated. It is fitting for us to bring up this topic but also recognize the many wonderful fathers that there are who continue in their roles and responsibility.

So let me say thank you Dad for being there as one of support and care. Thanks for being present as well as providing for my needs. Thank you for teaching me and providing care for instruction. Thanks for setting boundaries and help me to know that the sky is the limit of my potential.