Wednesday, February 16, 2022

First Impressions!

First impressions can be lasting impressions. It's often the first time we meet someone that may impact our beliefs about another; creating distance in the relationship.

I once visited a church that I was asked to preach at. As I arrived early to prepare the man at the entrance said to me, “We were ties in this church!” I obviously didn’t wear a tie with my outfit. I was taking back a bit. Joking I said to him, “You must own the place?” With that I proceeded, not taking a serious offense doesn’t matter. After the service let me in came right up to me, after hearing my message he stated, “Sir, that statement I said to you at the entrance doesn’t pertain to you!”

Talk about leaving the lasting impression, I will never forget that interaction. It’s all too often that negative impressions linger in our lives far too long. It may cause us to add distance to our opportunities!

The patriarchs & prophets of the Bible left initial impressions. As you read the old testament you may get a certain impression about those culture and time we’re very different than our own. In fact, we often place our current culture and expectations over historical times which leaves us with a negative impression. History‘s values must be judged by those times.

One interesting story from the old testament vols man who had leprosy. This man was a mighty warrior but suffered from this horrible illness. A young handmaiden desired that this man would be healed is that word that he should go see a man that had the reputation of healing. Naaman perhaps felt a little slighted from the interaction when the prophet did not come out to meet him in any proper manner. Elijah simply gave instruction for what the man was to do to be healed. The captain of the army was insulted but later was encouraged to follow through with the instructions which resulted in his healing.

Naamam's (Captain of Aram's Army) first impression of Elisha almost cost him a miracle. (2 Kings 5) 

Our first impression of the church could miss out on a blessing. I often tell people that the church will let you down. People in the church are not perfect. That is why we need to keep our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith! While many have an impression of the church and we must represent the church and our Christ well, we cannot give up on the opportunity to receive a blessing. (Read Psalm 122:1)

Indiana has the reputation of being fickle given the weather patterns. Sometimes it is up and other times it is down! We often tell each other about the weather, if you don’t like what you see, just wait, it will change! The beauty all around us is a reminder of God’s blessings! Though it may rain and storms come, we must be reminded to wait upon the Lord because out of the storm come great blessings! 

Have you judged someone too harshly? Who can you get to know more about?

Monday, February 14, 2022


 Happy Valentine’s Day conjures up all kinds of images. Its origin is not necessarily found in the Bible though its actions can, and should originate there. A form of love is found in a physical attraction but it must be deeper than that!





make a world of difference

if spoken correctly. I love you! 

Love can be cheap but true love is true and eternal. In the English language the word love is used to describe everything from pizza to possessions.

Most relationships begin with an attraction, mostly physical. It’s unfortunate that many relationships stay at that level. One of the major reasons for divorce is infidelity. It seems as though the depth, or lack there of, is the cause of many break ups. With the divorce rate well over 60% in our North American culture, it’s no wonder the people hesitate to get married. Yet, not surprisingly mini decide to live together prior to marriage is if it’s some kind of a practice session. Nevertheless, even those relationships that end up married ultimately fail.  Practice does not make perfect in this case.

It is said that love is blind but it makes for lasting relationships. Others may ask, "What do they see in each other?" Many may have doubted. yet, my parents have over 65 years of marriage Having raised 8 children, they demonstrated commitment to family. 

God's LOVE is different. Packed in those four little letters are sacrifice, commitment, patience, and the list goes on. These qualities originate with God!

Understandably valentines day celebrations are reduced to simply an exchange of my needs and wants and not giving that it takes to be successful in marriage. Of course marriage is about uniting our hearts around a simple understanding of an unconditional exchange of commitment that may include physical attraction but deeply meaningful exchange of vows.

Scripture says that hearts are united and become one in purpose, meaningful expressions of true love, as well as a spiritual depth that is demonstrated in scripture. 

God‘s love for is unconditional. God‘s love was demonstrated by sacrifice and commitment. God‘s love is a free gift. What gods love is transformational as well. It changes our heart from just being selfish and needy to giving! 

1 John provides evidence of what true love is. First Corinthians 13 teaches us the very definition of authentic love. Ephesians 5 teachers us the depths of our commitment to love one another.

Scripture tells us that perfect love cast out fear.  Through the  scripture we also understand what true love does. It tells us not to act on selfish motivations. Scripture teaches us what a healthy marriage can be. In God‘s love letter to us, the Bible we can discover eternal values that promote lasting love through biblical truth.

Can you hear God say, "I love you"? What are you willing to give up to show true and lasting love?