Thursday, September 24, 2020

Assemble The Church!

I was seated with other pastors from across Northern Indiana. Those that gathered have a passion for Christ that is impressive. I felt humbled to be in attendance. I believe prayer changes things! 

Led by Pastor Gordon Henke, the gathering has not met since before the COVID19 lockdown. Pastor Gordon told the group, “Many things have changed! God has not changed.” 

This open assembly is a ministry of prayer in hopes to see revival happen. The passion of those that gathered is to see God’s Kingdom come. Showing a music video set the time of the meeting. Buck and Dottie Rambo’s Song from the 80 is still relevant today, “His Kingdom”. Lyrics include, “When His Kingdom comes what a difference...”

Those who gathered were challenged to let the light of Christ shine. This “light is coming to this place,” says Pastor Gordon. He reminded the group that God is pleased with and sees us gatherers to pray. Pastors gather from several denominations, the assembly of pastors from northern Indiana speak of repentance and humility! Prayers and statements like, “We need you, Oh God!” can be heard. 

Pastor Gordon shared that when he felt the need to pray that God impresses in him to assemble the Church. He confessed that he may not be the perfect man to call the church to prayer but he confessed that he must be obedient. 

Praying for the Nation, the Church, and church leadership was central. Pastor Gordon quotes a saying when he read his notes, “...better to live on my knees than die on my feet.” 

Prays for reconciliation, end of violence, repentance, have been heard. Passages of the Bible were read by several including Pastor Mike (Host from Crossroads, Plymouth) who read Philippians 4:4-7. He stated to let your requests be made known to God.

Fervent prayers were openly stated. Freely people cried out to God on behalf of our Nation. Scriptures were shared from Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:4; and passages from John 14.

Like prior meetings from September, 2019 this gathering asked that people be free to pray openly. A call for revival and repentance was echoed by many. “The prayers of the righteous are effective,” stated one who prayed. “Receive our repentance,” was heard by another. 

A call for National repentance was shared in the reading of Micah 1. The nation is needing a cleansing and a call for repentance for the wrong that we see. “Sin has beset a nation,” says one. Others read from Habakkuk echoing a similar message of our need for repentance. 

Many focused on the National Prayer Assembly in Washington, D.C. that is happening this upcoming weekend from when this group gathered. A call for brokenness was shared! A call to ReviveINDIANA and those from that organization who are attending the National Prayer event. 

The gathering was smaller than past events but the enthusiasm was similar. There was a desire to repent and be restored. Those that gathered are united by a live for The Word of God and prayer. Psalm 81:12-13was read as a reminder to “call each other out if we see sin in the life of our brothers and sisters,” as one pastor said.

While a theme and prayer requests is shared, the tone of the meeting takes in its own meaning. Pastor Gordon said at the outset of the meeting that, “Maybe it is time to put on sack cloths and ashes.” 

The focussed prayer time met for two hours to pour out prayer and read scripture as people were impressed to share. Name tags were handed out but only to add your name and county pastors and guests were coming from. “We don’t need to know what Church we represent,” said Gordon. “We are from the “big C Church,” he shared.

Isaiah 55:11 — It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.