Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Equal Opportunity Offender.

We all have one thing in common. It is equal across all classes, racesand backgroundsIt is woven through every generation in the past and yet to come. It is an equal opportunity offender. It is within all of us. This one thing can have a negative impact on our lives. 

The Bible calls it sin. We can find sin throughout the Bible and it is often defined as break the law. It usually addresses the moral wrong-doing or act that violates a divine rule. No matter the offense, it is damaging, destructive, and deadly. 

Yet, the same can be said of God‘s grace. We read in John 3:16-17 that God sent is Son, Jesus to us because of His loves. God wanted to save us from sin. It is called grace! It does not discriminateit is equally available to everyone. It is an equal opportunity defender; God’s Amazing Grace! 

Which sin has you captive? How has God‘s Amazing Grace set you free?