Friday, June 14, 2019

For Here Or To Go?

Pay it forward is a phrase that has gained popularity in recent years. It is a concept that many are doing to advance the cause of kindness. I personally have never experienced it or been a recipient at a check out lane but my daughter, Josslyn says it happens often. She is a barresta at Starbucks. In the drive-thru lane many have come through and paid for the other person behind them. I have even seen live videos of people posting their experience as they "pay it forward" demonstrating how they pay for the coffee or a meal of another.

Acts of kindness happen often according to Ryan Brainard. He reports, "A new survey found that 83% of us do it every week, and 65% of us do it every day!" Read more: Acts of Kindness.

Simple acts of kindness are not just benefiting others. Doing acts of kindness has health benefits as well according to Random Acts of Kindness website. It is known to lower blood pressure. It increases certain chemicals that are good for you. It makes you feel physically good and the evidence is real.

There are many opportunities to do good for others. Many organizations are actually designed to promote this concept. Consider Inspire Kindness. This organization is all about doing good!

Yet, in the midst of all these kind acts and simple venture of doing good one has to ask, why? What motivates people to pay it forward? Is it to balance Karma in hopes that doing nice things for others make our lives better or we become better off?

The Bible encouages doing good but the motivation is clearly spelled out as an act of worship. It is defined as helping others as a representative of Christ. Read the many Bible verses that say we are to do good!

I contend that it is better to have a good motive for doing good. I believe that as we do good for other that the goal is to promote the love of Christ. It is not self-oriented. It is commanded as an act of true discipleship. The recipient is not supposed to praise the giver but the one they represent in the the Name of Christ.

In fact, Jesus was called good and He actually asked the question, "Why do you call me good?" He said that only our Father in heaven is good. Many may in fact be doing acts of kindness or pay it forward in an effort to prove their own worth. Somehow we try to demonstrate goodness as if it work make us good. Yet, we are not good by human efforts alone! We are considered good according to the righteousness of God, through Jesus Christ who redeems us. Read more on the Righteousness of Christ.

While doing good should never be discouraged, the motivation of these acts of kindness should be considered. It is always important to be people of good will. Generosity should be the hallmark of the Christian.

I say, do it early and do it often! It is better to GIVE than receive. I BELIEVE that what we do here on earth matters for eternity sake.

I often ask the question most often stated question at a fast food checkout. I ask myself this question to help me have a godly perspective of my actions. DO YOU WANT IT FOR HERE OR TO GO?

Are my human actions earthy, which will pass away or eternal which never will pass away but rather these acts plant seeds of eternal value in the life of others!

Take time to teach your children to be kind to others. The following website offers 101 ideas for kids.