Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Recipe For Life!

Family recipes are best kept secrets. They are passed down over generations to family. These recipes are very personal and must be followed exactly as written. If followed correctly, the taste is exact! It is unmistakable and unique in taste and quality. 

Similarly, family legacies are passed down from generation ti generation! 

Family secrets are not always negative. They are best kept secrets that reflect quality in character and quality of love. Both for one another and others, family is central. I have met many families and enjoy the stories of where their family originates. 

Sometimes we get hung up on negative past experiences. These are not supposed to be what defines out identity but they do define our future. We can determine how we handle those experiences. With God, we can find redemptive outcomes. If we remain bitter, we become prisoners to those circumstances. Yet, it may very well be that there is a hopeful outcome just around the corner.

Doing genealogy tracing has yielded family secrets of revolutionary and civil war heroes. I have discovered legacies and stories that have changed how I even view my current narrative. I feel blessed by what has been a part of my family tree. 

When I ask about our family tree from my elders, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and parents, I am often impressed by the many times they have maintained faith through hardships and terrible tragedies. Even negative stories offer redemptive hope. The stories are a part of who we are today. 

There is a recipe for life eternal that is not asecret yet few find it. This is also passed down to generations but it shows the way to eternal life. It begins with God’s plan thatsays, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” (Read more at John 3:16-17)

What family recipes do you have hidden away?How do you feel knowing that God loves you?