Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Between The Lines!

I do a lot of traveling in my line of work. One of the things that is essential to safety is to stay in my lane. Whether on-coming, two-lane traffic or highway, I must stay between the lines. The dangers of passing on a no passing zone is obvious. Laws are designed to keep us safe.

The Bible clear that there is a broad, and a narrow way. The broadway leads to destruction and  the narrow way leads to eternal life. (Matthew 7:13-14) This simple illustration should help us to stay “in our own lane” avoiding the dangers of the broad way. Staying in your own lane is not always easy. There are many options along the way that we can choose. Not all options have your best in mind. 

Through the wisdom of the Bible and the hope we have through Jesus Christ we can know which road is best. While Jesus spoke of being the only way to hope we can trust His plan - his road map to living.

What are the dangers of the Broadway? Which lane will help you find eternal hope?