Thursday, February 06, 2020

H-A-T-E: It Hurts and Never Heals!

We might as well buckle up because it is going to be a long 2020! This year we not only add one more day to the month of February, Leap Day, but we also add the Presidential Election! Yep, get ready! Can anyone say 2016 without cringing? 

If you live long enough you will likely know that 2016 was not the ugliest electoral cycle we have ever faced! I have only voted for 6 presidents, spanning 40-plus years but I have been interested in political history for some time now. I am particularly interested in presidents. 

Synonyms to HATE
I remember Reagan once telling Mondale during a nationally broadcaster debate, “I am not going to exploit for political gain my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”

I read that Jackson carried more lead into the Office of the Presidency than any other because of the many times he challenged his opponents to a physical pistol duel. He challenged more than 100 men to a duel, killing one!

Political slogans through history will make you chuckle today but hard fought campaigns will surprise many! There have been times in history when the battle was not only ugly & personal but also dangerous! Read more here! 

Today I remind us that we have been here before! In 2020, let’s adjust our vision to see the heart of others! We might think that our most recent years are the worst but history tells a different story. Take Adams and Jefferson as an example. Perhaps the first of many negative campaigns contains the following exchange: 

Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman." In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father." Read more.

My point is not the we would accept such rhetoric today. It is so discussing that the hard fought battle can belittle mankind! It is brutal and not for the faint-hearted and weak.

What of the rest of us? Today’s politics seem to find it’s way into our well-being. We don’t need to take everything candidates say so personal. 

We take everything that is said from one candidate to another as if the words spoken are directed personally at us. We seem to be insulted and hurt by what candidate say to each other. 

We seem to act like we are victims when what is said is not even directed personally at us! I have to ask, why do we make it so personal? Read more on Stop Taking Things Personal. 

I have to ask why the bitter exchange of words meant as attacks to their opponent become our fight? Why do we internalize the sharp, hostile words of people we don’t even know. They certainly don’t know me (or you)! 

They (the political candidates) are really not rooting for each other. That is the name of the political game! Yet, they are neither speaking negatively at me (or you)! 

Why do we take those insults, hostile expressions, and negative remarks as word-weapons against each other? 

I am writing this to challenge everyone to take a chill-pill about what candidate say to each other! The comments said are meant to belittle and distract the competition not meant to be taken personally.  

I think that we are so on-edge that we quickly want to add to the slurs and insults with a few of our own! We seem to find reasons to hate!

I think that we are so quick to jump on the parade of insults and emotional reactions and we become offended to the point of hate! 

I think that as candidate exchange childish words and actions that we too find it easy to spread the same insults, jokes, anger, and hate! Yet, we have to be bigger than that!

I think that it is time for the rest of us (outside of Washington) to NOT take it so personal and focus on the values that we hold most important and that includes having a civil discourse through healthy debate!

After all, it is best to debate ideas because it provides the best solutions. It is time for us to stop mimicking the talking points of the media, read a little more, and listen to what people are really saying. Let’s NOT get ticked-off at the headlines and Facebook posts but have real conversations that protect humanity!  

Political campaigns are based on emotional bias, hatred, fear, & anger. As we realize the emotional trap, we can think and feel with objectivity. Once realized how we were made to feel, we can recognize the pre-existing trap that draws us into the fight or what causes us to the opposite flight response. It breeds hate & is used by ALL POLITICAL LEADERS!

H-A-T-E hurts and never heals. I think that too many of us are filled with attitudes and feelings of hate. Political leaders persuade us to be angry, an emotion that wins us to their side that if unchecked can produce bitterness, rage, and hate.

Let’s resist this trap in 2020! Let’s move past the headlines! Let’s stop shooting AT each other and start speaking WITH each other! 

Sure, hold to your position and values but let’s show Washington & our elected officials that WE are able to solve problems; just like we always have done in the past. We can sit around around a table and a cup of coffee, acting like a healthy family, solving problems by debating yet holding to the most important of values, love and respect. I enjoy reading contrasting views on Trump as a person and leader. I know he is not perfect but his policies are consistent to my values. Read more related to this here with the response from Christianity Today’s editorial by Galli.. We will come up with better outcomes and solutions if we are willing to listen! 

In 2020, let’s stop listening to the candidates and start listening to one another. Let’s stop mimicking the talking points and headlines and let’s instead start asking questions that allows for good exchange of information that informs!

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

My Take on #SOTU - A 2-minute Read

Do I dare? You may be asking yourself the very same question. Would you go on the record publicly stating your opinion of the State of the Union speech by Donald J Trump?

Well, I’m no politician and I’m not complete with history but here I go with a few of my takeaways from the speech. What I hope comes through clearly in my attempt here is that when the storm clouds gather, be the light that shines through.

Minute #1. A backdrop. It might be worth noting that I did vote in the 2016 election and that I could not bring myself to voting for Hillary Clinton. There are many reasons that began with my value of life (for the pre-born) and a believer in the message of hope. (Hillary did not convey the same tone and substance as Obama.)

Knowing this about me will mean that you may not read further, thinking that this is just another mindless, conservative rhetoric that is typical. If you dare, read further and it may surprise you.

You see, in 2016 I was not voting for a candidate. I was voting on policies and values that are important to me as well as what I believe to be helpful for this country. I was not casting my ballot on a person, personality, nor politician. At best, I was interested in an outsider. I am thinking that most of Americans are looking at doing the same thing. (Consider why Bernie Sanders is so popular.) I took into consideration my ethical standards and my moral leaning. I considered carefully based on what I understand about the Bible and my personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s likely that you did the same thing. It wasn’t the popularity contest like in high school when you vote for the king and queen or your student council. Casting a ballot is a civic and moral responsibility. It’s something that you take very seriously on a national and local level.

You may be surprised to learn that I’m not a single issue American. I think about those that are impacted by policies at the national level. It might even be surprised to learn that I didn’t like it when President Ronald Reagan took away the social benefits of at-risk Americans in order to balance the budget. You might even be surprised to learn today I’m not in favor of war, nor am I a pacifist. like most of you I am conflicted.  I’m like most Americans after 911 as we took the best information we had available at the time and responded to the attack on our economy and the American people. I will hold to the memory of the thousands who died because of hate filled terrorists set on destroying the American way.

Minute #2: My opinion of the SOTU. I haven’t heard or read the speeches of every president in the past but I listened to Trump carefully for tone and substance. You shouldn’t be surprised that this is one of the rewards and luxuries of winning the presidential election. Both political sides have done similar and both sides use this time to prove that their policies are working.

I listened to the President’s speech for items that appeal to my values. The speech touched on those values including, but not limited to the following; pro life, a strong economy, support for our American soldiers, and policies that help the poor and vulnerable of our communities.

There are questions that are filling the time of every news source that review Donald Trump‘s claims. You might be surprised but fact check what POTUS said in his speech. The opinion makers would have you think that since he lied on some things that he lied about everything else. I would encourage you to think critically and listen carefully to what is fact checked. I would never want you to accept anything at face value. We need to discern and carefully decipher what is being communicated.

The President was not the only one in the room. Two of the biggest players in the room include President Trump and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. I have a message for both of them.

Mr. President Trump, the American people are watching and integrity matters as a fundamental principle regarding this country. So, telling the truth matters and in the age of fact checking, the truth will be revealed. Madame speaker Pelosi, the American people are watching and disrespect is unacceptable; something I learned in Kindergarten. So, petty acts like tearing up the SOTU speech makes you seen small.

For the rest of us let me say, listen carefully and instead of simply taking sides. Do your best to discern and do your homework on the topics being debated. It is essential and very American to debate because it is in that forum of our republic that we discover better answers and solutions.

As a Christian, I also offer my opinion. I would challenge each of us to be careful not only in our substance on our arguments but also on the tone. Continually love even in your bitter disagreements. I’m not encouraging anyone to compromise but to love no matter our bitter divide. Be respectful. Social media outlets like Facebook allow us to taunt our opponents and share opinions but it never replaces the interpersonal and unfortunately too many people are passive-aggressive in their online communications. Remember, people are watching and making their own judgment on our faith values.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Half-Time & What Could Have Been.

Without question we have just surpassed an all-time division as the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs faced-off at Super Bowl - 2020.  Most people agree however that they were glad that we did not see the Patriots. Although Tom Brady did make a cameo appearance during one of the commercials settling the debate on where this free-agent will go in the new football season. It looks like he’s staying with the Patriots. :-)

Never-the-less, this post will likely upset half of the people reading it. The intent behind it is not to be critical but I just state an obvious comparison. It looks as though that half of those watching the halftime show liked it while the other half he did it. Ae seem to be at a crossroads in our country with huge divisions, marked ever so strongly that we are evenly divided, setting the tone both in politics as well as an entertainment.

Just skimming the surface over Facebook I find that there are many who are growing concerned about what the Halftime show calls entertainment. I don’t particularly have a bent to either side yet I am concerned about what is represented by those performing at halftime show. For me the obvious concern has to do with the growing movement but has been known as the, “Me Too Movement.”  It certainly is ironic isn’t it that we raise this concern yet we show off scantily dressed men and women dancing (sexually) at the beat of music. Our society is filled with contradictions, isn’t it?

Well, this is my opinion but I believe that there are growing concerns for our culture as it seems to be shifting further away from traditional norms that had remained for decades. Perhaps the halftime show at the Super Bowl is but just a reflection of our current culture?

Let me pose another question. What could have been represented at this highly popular event?

Contrasted by the competition and the controversial halftime show is a testimony of both owners and players of the Kansas City Chiefs. Well their testimony has not been private, it was elevated to a stage that allows us to engage in yet a different conversation.

What could’ve been?

The commercials certainly or part of the experience at this year‘s Super Bowl. My guess is that most of us found them entertaining and have our favorite. I appreciated that some were just meant to be funny well getting the message across, take for example the man who kept reappearing with the stain on his shirt. I will always remember that one. Also consider the Groundhog’s Day with Bill Murray as he promoted the latest Jeep. That one too will be talked about that water-coolers across America.

What will stick with me the most is how the message and testimony of Christ was real and relevant around the biggest platform of the year. The owners and players communicated their unapologetic witness of Christ both in testimony but also throughout their lives as they clearly communicated.

Aristotle is known for the saying, “We are what we repeatedly do.” I contend with the pattern of one’s life certainly is the best way of knowing or someone is coming from both of their beliefs and their habits.

My take away from this year‘s Super Bowl is the message of a quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, who sincerely prayed with his teammates before the Super Bowl as well as the owners, CEO Clark Hunt who clearly stated that the glory of the game to Christ Jesus. 

What sticks with me or if we are representing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, our actions are would demonstrate clearly and if we ever given a platform like the Super Bowl we would be best to represent a testimony of Christ. It’s more likely, however, that our platform is what we represent daily in our lives and actions that are coworkers, family, and community see every day.

Likely others are watching us already so what we demonstrate by word or action is what is in the heart of each one. Ephesians 1:18 is my reminder as I make every effort to memorize it, “The eyes of your heart being enlightened so that you may know His Calling and the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints.“

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Ignorance Is Bliss!

Recently I read the biography of President Garfield. In the biography ”Destiny of the Republic” it describes a rather interesting story that has relevance today!

Story goes that President Garfield went to the train station and I would-be assassin made an attempt on his life. The single shot rang out and Garfield was hit. Many rush to his aid including his personal medical doctor who began treatment right away. For weeks Garfield suffered before finally dying but the story is even more compelling.

President Garfield’s physician begin treatment but in the process did serious damage in his efforts to save the president’s life  Using primitive technology and techniques Garfield‘s physician would probe for the bullet. Believing that if the bullet remained it would cause serious problems for the president. Even at one time creating an electrical metal bed that in theory would force the bullet to the surface of the skin. Perhaps that was considered a non-invasive procedure before his time.

Nevertheless, in great agony, President Garfield died! his death was not the result of the gun shot but from infections that we're all throughout his body. Garfield’s own physician caused these terrible infections!

At the same time there was a debate happening by other physicians at the high levels of science and medical information. Top minds debated how to best cure disease and medical practice. One such noted physician found that simply caring for the wound by washing using a new medicine and procedure that was introduced to the market. Though this new idea would provide better cures it was not taken seriously by most physicians of the day. Garfield’s own doctor was known to make fun of the “invisible germ fighter” as voodoo and unnecessary!

Perhaps for our sake we have new technologies but it wasn’t the case for President Garfield. In fact, had the bullet been left alone Garfield would’ve rebound quickly from his injury and back to his oval office within days and on with the business of the presidency.

The new doctor eventually did have his way. Realizing that what ultimately killed the president was his own doctor, germs, and his primitive ways, congress enacted new laws by issuing a new practices for doctors. It was a new invention by Dr. Lister was added to the medical handbook and laws of the land. You see, antisepsis, what we referred today as mouthwash, was used from that point forward to clean instruments and wash hands before every surgery. The new president’s doctor became Dr Lister. Dr. Lister would inspire generations of scientist to research better practices and a daily routine of washing. Today most of use this practice daily including forms of mouthwash, one being named Listerine.

Oh yes, to our surprise the physician who ultimately killed President Garfield was named, Dr. Bliss. A phrase became popular because of this doctor, “ignorance is bliss.“

Isn’t it ironic that somebody of such great stature could fall from grace so quickly because he’s refused to stay up-to-date on knowledge and in particular medical techniques and inventions.

You may have caught what I am trying to say. You may be ahead of me in the application.

I am amazed at this story because it reminds me that ignorance doesn’t let us off the hook. Dr. Bliss was in trouble when the general public found out why their beloved president died. The medical profession turned their backs on the president’s doctor because she refused to accept new inventions and better techniques.

Every day that I read the Word of God, I am reminded that there is tremendous wisdom available to us but if only we would receive it. I often reflect on how different things would be had we chosen wisdom instead of pride and stubborn arrogance. That’s a lesson for us!

In the book of James in the Bible tells us that if we lack wisdom that we can pray for godly wisdom.

James 1:5 — “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”