Sunday, February 02, 2020

Ignorance Is Bliss!

Recently I read the biography of President Garfield. In the biography ”Destiny of the Republic” it describes a rather interesting story that has relevance today!

Story goes that President Garfield went to the train station and I would-be assassin made an attempt on his life. The single shot rang out and Garfield was hit. Many rush to his aid including his personal medical doctor who began treatment right away. For weeks Garfield suffered before finally dying but the story is even more compelling.

President Garfield’s physician begin treatment but in the process did serious damage in his efforts to save the president’s life  Using primitive technology and techniques Garfield‘s physician would probe for the bullet. Believing that if the bullet remained it would cause serious problems for the president. Even at one time creating an electrical metal bed that in theory would force the bullet to the surface of the skin. Perhaps that was considered a non-invasive procedure before his time.

Nevertheless, in great agony, President Garfield died! his death was not the result of the gun shot but from infections that we're all throughout his body. Garfield’s own physician caused these terrible infections!

At the same time there was a debate happening by other physicians at the high levels of science and medical information. Top minds debated how to best cure disease and medical practice. One such noted physician found that simply caring for the wound by washing using a new medicine and procedure that was introduced to the market. Though this new idea would provide better cures it was not taken seriously by most physicians of the day. Garfield’s own doctor was known to make fun of the “invisible germ fighter” as voodoo and unnecessary!

Perhaps for our sake we have new technologies but it wasn’t the case for President Garfield. In fact, had the bullet been left alone Garfield would’ve rebound quickly from his injury and back to his oval office within days and on with the business of the presidency.

The new doctor eventually did have his way. Realizing that what ultimately killed the president was his own doctor, germs, and his primitive ways, congress enacted new laws by issuing a new practices for doctors. It was a new invention by Dr. Lister was added to the medical handbook and laws of the land. You see, antisepsis, what we referred today as mouthwash, was used from that point forward to clean instruments and wash hands before every surgery. The new president’s doctor became Dr Lister. Dr. Lister would inspire generations of scientist to research better practices and a daily routine of washing. Today most of use this practice daily including forms of mouthwash, one being named Listerine.

Oh yes, to our surprise the physician who ultimately killed President Garfield was named, Dr. Bliss. A phrase became popular because of this doctor, “ignorance is bliss.“

Isn’t it ironic that somebody of such great stature could fall from grace so quickly because he’s refused to stay up-to-date on knowledge and in particular medical techniques and inventions.

You may have caught what I am trying to say. You may be ahead of me in the application.

I am amazed at this story because it reminds me that ignorance doesn’t let us off the hook. Dr. Bliss was in trouble when the general public found out why their beloved president died. The medical profession turned their backs on the president’s doctor because she refused to accept new inventions and better techniques.

Every day that I read the Word of God, I am reminded that there is tremendous wisdom available to us but if only we would receive it. I often reflect on how different things would be had we chosen wisdom instead of pride and stubborn arrogance. That’s a lesson for us!

In the book of James in the Bible tells us that if we lack wisdom that we can pray for godly wisdom.

James 1:5 — “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”