Saturday, October 07, 2023

It Is Too Easy To Forget Therefore, Let Us….

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's all too easy to forget. We forget grocery lists, names, and even the promises we make to ourselves. But there's one thing we should never forget: God's unwavering faithfulness. 

Consider the story of an elderly couple. The wife, craving an ice cream sundae late at night, repeatedly implores her husband to write down her detailed order. Despite his assurances that he'll remember, he returns with a hamburger, much to her dismay. This humorous anecdote serves as a poignant reminder of the fallibility of human memory. 

The husband's repeated assurances that he'll remember, and his ultimate failure to do so, highlight our human tendency to forget. Research shows that memory is time-based, with approximately 56% of information forgotten within an hour, 66% after a day, and 75% after six days. Our brains, while capable of impressive feats, have a limited capacity to store and recall details. 

Yet, while we may forget, God never does. Deuteronomy 31:6 reassures us, "So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” This verse serves as a comforting reminder of God's faithfulness and His enduring presence in our lives.

In a world rife with distractions, it's crucial to remember God's faithfulness. His love endures forever, even when our memories falter. We can become distracted and focus on the wrong things from time to time, but God's grace is always available to us. 

The story of the elderly couple also underscores the importance of writing things down. Just as the wife insisted her husband jot down her sundae order, we too should write down God's promises. By doing so, we can meditate on His words and seek His guidance in our daily lives. 

Writing things down physically, through application, and by including God in all our actions can help us remember. When we write down scriptures and paste them around where we can see them, we are constantly reminded of God's promises. 

Despite our forgetfulness, God's grace is abundant. Our tendency to focus on the wrong things and become distracted does not diminish His love for us. The reassurance that God's love endures forever is a comforting thought in times of crisis or stressful situations. 

The irony of needing more grace when we forget is not lost on us. We receive more grace when we tend to forget, and God's grace sustains us even in those times when we forget. He fills the gaps of our absentmindedness and carries us even when we forget.

In conclusion, let us remember God's faithfulness and His enduring love. Let us write down His promises, meditate on His words, and seek His guidance. Despite our forgetfulness, His grace is always available to us. 

As we navigate through life, let us remember the story of the elderly couple and the lesson it teaches us about remembering God's faithfulness. In a world where memories fail and distractions abound, we must hold on to the promises of God and trust in His unwavering love. 

So, let us not forget, but rather, let us remember. Let us remember God's faithfulness, His promises, and His enduring love. Let us write down His words, meditate on His promises, and seek His guidance in our daily lives. May we never forget that God is faithful, and His grace is always available to us.

Friday, October 06, 2023

Making Accommodation.

If you’ve ever traveled or stayed overnight in a hotel, you’ll understand what it is to have accommodations made to suit your needs. Hotels will do this by providing special accommodations or services for your children by providing something unique that might make you feel more comfortable.

This is not necessarily an article defending the practice of making accommodations. In the area of hospitality, it’s important for your guest to feel comfortable, and as a host, you want to provide something unique or special. This is actually a good thing.

In just about every field of practice, whether medical or hospitality, or even what the government may provide, for those were special needs, and it’s a good thing to take action in appropriate ways for someone’s needs.

In a spiritual way, God has made special accommodations for us. However, these accommodations have come with the cost.

Spiritually, to be saved from our sins God provided a sacrifice for those sins through his son, Jesus Christ. In this, it enables us to have a connection with God, because the sin that has separated our relationship with Him has been bridged. Jesus declares us righteous because of grace and the sufficiency of his shed blood. We are righteous, not in ourselves, but through Christ Jesus. Special accommodations are therefore a possible. Scripture is filled with promises and actions in examples of this. 

Abraham wanted special accommodations for his nephew lot and his family. He pleaded with God to save the city if they could find it just a few righteous ones. None were found so God made special accommodations by saving his nephew and daughters. 

Accommodations were made for Mary in the birth of, our savior. Though humble as they were, the Inn Keeper, having compassion and room for the son of God to be born. 

And you and I are given special accommodations, and a promise of heaven for those who walk in obedience and write relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

These are considered privileges and not rights. In the day and age of which we live, where everybody is attempting to flex their  Perceived rights, it confuses the matter. We too often place demands where we have no right to declare such actions. Even in our desire to demand certain privileges, we change the relationship from transformational to simple transaction.

We may not be satisfied with the gift given and ask for an exchange receipt. Some made declare that even the privilege that they have been given is not enough. Brothers may demand that right by taking it away from another person or people group.
1 Peter 4:10 says that everyone has been given a gift. (That includes you, too.)
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 
Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a gift that we could not earn, nor could we afford to buy. A blessing that God gives us in big and small ways are only afforded by God‘s grace. A price is paid to make these special accommodations.

The next time you’re treated more special than you deserve,  Consider it a gift. In fact, work to make special accommodations in the lives of others in order to be a positive witness for Christ. Showing God‘s love to another because you can. Perhaps giving to someone even though they would never be able to afford to pay you back . 

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

The Enduring Impact of Today's Actions

In the vast tapestry of existence, our actions possess a profound ability to transcend time and space. The quote, "What we do here today echoes for eternity," encapsulates the truth that our choices, words, and deeds have a lasting impact. This concept reminds us of the significance of our actions and the potential they hold to shape the course of our lives and the lives of others.

Every action we take, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the power to create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the present moment. A kind word spoken today can uplift someone's spirit and inspire them to pass on that kindness to others. A selfless act of service can ignite a chain reaction of compassion and generosity. Conversely, a hurtful word or a thoughtless action can leave scars that linger for a lifetime.

Our actions not only shape our immediate surroundings but also contribute to the collective consciousness of humanity. They become part of the tapestry of human history, influencing future generations and leaving an indelible mark on the world. Just as the echoes of a sound reverberate through space, our actions reverberate through time, resonating in the hearts and minds of those who come after us.

Let us embrace the profound truth that "What we do here today echoes for eternity." Similar to the words, spoken by actor, Russell Crowe playing the part of Maximus. As he motivated his followers, stating similarly, “What we do in life…“

May we be mindful of the impact our actions can have and strive to make choices that reflect love, kindness, and compassion. By doing so, we contribute to a legacy that transcends our own existence, leaving a positive imprint on the world that will echo throughout eternity.