Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Good Habits ....

Good habits are hard to make but easy to break! It is said that it takes weeks to develop a new habit through consistent practice. It only take one bad day to break a habit. 

All habits are based on choices. I often tell those I speak to in my prison work, be careful what choices you make; they may become the prison cell of life you will occupy. Choices have consequences. This is true for everyone, there are both good and bad consequences. 

In our society today, we don’t want to talk about consequences. Often I hear about God’s grace as if there are no results to the choices we make. Of course we realize that we cannot defy gravity. If we step off the end of the cliff we are certain to fall to great peril.

Even on a spiritual level, choices can result in that outcomes. We are, after all humans resulting from the fall of mankind. Even if we deny this theology, we can see through natural law sickness and tragedy. These too are too often the results of choices we or others have made. (While I understand that not all sickness is based on negative choices.) 

Choices, while different for everyone, are afforded equal status for everyone. We all have the freedoms to choice. Reading the Bible is one choice that renders a good return on your time. God’s Word “never returns empty.” (Isaiah 59:11) Choices that are based on a firm foundation are often positive. We learn from the mistakes of others so to avoid them. We learn wisdom from ancient proverbs and principles. These Truths are found in the Bible.  

What are your bad habits? What good habits might you start today?