Sunday, November 19, 2023

Who Believed in You?

This week (and throughout the year) we have the opportunity to tell a young persona that we believe in them.
I am fortunate since I have had many that believed in me. Youth worker volunteers, pastors, bosses, teachers, and many more have spent time with me. They saw me and heard me. What a great blessing I have experienced! 

My home life, like so many others was not always perfect. I had parents and siblings that I know loved me. They looked out for me. They provided for me. Yes, no family is perfect! I needed some other people in my life to demonstrate their care for me. Teachers and others took time with me and spent their resources on me. I have no complaints.

This week especially I had the opportunity to hear how caring adults can impact the lives of young people. Wow! We can make a difference! Some spend time with young people. Others helped to secure the future for the impact of a caring adult. Youth organizations do this everyday! Businesses committed resources. People sacrificed to provide. Impressive commitments were made!

The organization I serve, Youth for Christ in Northern Indiana is doing ministry with a focus on young people. I get to participate by telling the stories of impact. I get to recruit resources that provide for ministry with young people. My focus is with Campus Life. I get to ask for the partnership of people that provide time, resources, and talents that coordinates with schools and local community organizations to get involved.

I wish I had time to share with you how God surprised us this week in our campaign to empower people to tell a young person that they believe in them. I can’t begin to tell you the many ways that God showed up! Resources that we needed were provided! Our campaign raised over $500,000 in funding that supports youth workers and volunteers that are dedicated to provide ministry and the gospel of Christ to young people!

For now, check out the impact videos and stories we shared. See the financial resources that God provided. Go to: for details. 

Thank you to all that give of your time, talents, and resources. It is true that what we do here today echoes for eternity. It’s not just a movie slogan. God works through people. Whether it’s an investment of your time or your resources, if done for the Lord, and as part of your worship, God blesses it! What we do is for God’s glory. But, it makes a difference in the lives of the next generation of young people that we get to invest in to.