Saturday, December 29, 2018

Setting 2019 Resolutions: Consider Others. 

Every year we all set resolutions. In the making of our resolutions we often consider them goals or objectives that would help us to achieve personal objectived or the fulfillment of a mission. While most set goals and objectives I would like you to consider what it would be like to consider others as you set your resolutions. As you set goals you are encouraged to make them S.M.A.R.T goals - Setting SMART goals.

Let me offer three reasons why each of us should consider others when setting our own resolutions and goals for 2019. 

Society is based on one simple value called reciprocity. This is the ability to exchange fairly and evenly what is being offered in good will. In simple terms it is to reciprocate, that is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In the biblical definitions of scripture, we refer to this as the Golden Rule because it takes the value of simple reciprocity one step further. It is not only about what we gain but additionally for the good will toward others that includes the value of love not just equity. Research shows that we may actually improve on keeping goals if they have a positive difference on others - Doing good is repeatable.

1. Personal goals are not yours alone. 

When setting personal goals the striking reality is that they are not for our exclusive purpose but bring meaning beyond ourselves. When we set goals we inadvertently do so to improve ourselves or do achieve purpose that ultimately goes beyond our own objectives.

Quite often people will set goals to lose weight or even to establish educational objectives. It is in these goals that we think that they will only benefit ourselves but the truth is that the meaning and significance of these goals are not just to stay healthy or to accomplish more. We often want others to think better of us. If we choose to set a goal for weight loss or to create healthy habits we often offer words of advice to others as we accomplish these goals in ourselves. As we achieve we often do so but we tell others of our accomplishments. It’s not for personal gain but it is for the effort of helping others along the way.

Often we will post our goals on social media or tell others so that they could keep us accountable but nevertheless it is for personal glory as well as a demonstration that these goals are not for ourselves alone. Within each of us lies the innate desire to not only improve personally but to help others improve as well. Often our motivation is selfish but the results are effective for others as well. 

Since these are goals that go beyond ourselves, even without realizing it we undoubtedly help others. Therefore we should realize the importance of choosing goals that help ourselves as well as others. 

2. Personal goals do influence others. 

Every goal, like every decision we make does impact others for good or not so good. Goals are often an exchange for something that brings personal satisfaction but they do influence others as well. 

Not only do people look to us as models or examples but sometimes people mimic our actions in an effort to better themselves or help increase their value. Perhaps this is why we set goals to read books or to go to school. Every decision we make has the potential of influencing others.

Even those who are at the highest level of executive privilege or rank will often set goals that go far beyond themselves. Therefore I would contend that we are people of influence with every goal or resolution we make. Wouldn’t it make sense that we would consider that when making goals?

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." – Henry David Thoreau

When setting goals I contend that it would be impossible to only improve yourself because of the influence that we all have on others. Making resolutions have consequences beyond ourselves.

3. Personal goals have the power to transform the good will of others. 

We have the power within our sphere of influence to set goals for ourselves and others. As we recognize the power of those in financial goals we must realize that we have the ability to transform those around us for good will. 

Every healthy society has the fair exchange of ideas and actions that produces the health and welfare of others. As we achieve our personal goals we make a difference whether we want to or not. Unfortunately many will manipulate to the extent that their achievements will not benefit everyone unless we choose for the good will of all.

Matthew 7:12 - Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.

For Christians it is imperative that we acknowledge the importance of our resolutions as being helpful in bringing good will to others. Every believer in Christ understands how imperative our mission is for not just ourselves but for the demonstration of God’s love. 

Each of these reasons I gave here are not only logical but each of us know how important it is to set resolutions in 2019. 

"Helping, giving, volunteering, and other actions undertaken to benefit others play a critical role in protecting health, promoting education, fighting poverty and hunger, and providing disaster relief," the researchers write. - Research shows what doing good produces.

Our goals are not set for ourselves alone but as we make goals to improve ourselves we also have influence on others who mimic us or choose to achieve goals of improvement as well. Since we are setting goals we have the potential of creating good will in those around us as well as in our own communities or organizations. 

I contend that we ought to set goals for ourselves with a clear understanding that we are changing and transforming communities around us for the good. Here is a list of feel good ideas in doing good: Ideas for doing good.