Tuesday, December 21, 2021

To Ponder.

I often have a curious mind, pondering about what tomorrow holds. It is uncertain yet filled with anticipated hope. While we can’t cash in on tomorrow we can invest today, curiously interested in its outcomes.  

One of the seasonal volunteer activities that I do each year is to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. I enjoy knowing that my time is not wasted and I can see tangible evidence of my activity. As people make annual donations, I can track those donations and know that my time has been well spent. 

Ringing the bell also gives me plenty of time to think, to ponder on next year‘s goals. I often reflect on the past year in hopes that I accomplished what God has called me to do. My goal is to be a blessing to others in all my activities. My desire is to appoint people to Jesus who alone brings hope of salvation.

To ponder is to wonder in the mystery without loosing heart. Mary, the mother of Jesus pondered in her heart the incredible miracle within her(Read Luke 2

There is a mystery that is wrapped in a blanket lying in a manger. He is the hope that we have as Christians. Not only in His birth but also in His death we discover the incredible gift of salvation which brings new life!

No amount of Christmas gifts can fill the void that is within all of us. Only in Christ alone where we find the joy we celebrate called Christmas. For under us a child is born who is Christ the Lord.

 What do you hope for that is filling you with wonder?