Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sentence Prayers!

Have you ever found yourself wanting to pray but unsure how to pray? 

We may think that we need to have lofty prayers that use big spiritual words. Perhaps that’s how we have heard others pray. We can feel intimidated, not only in our personal prayer life, but also in public prayer. We may feel inadequate, because we use more common language to pray rather than lofty prayers. Let me encourage you, God loves to hear you pray no matter what words you use.

You may also think that you should recite more scripture in your prayer life This certainly is true, but is that the only way to pray. As we bring our needs and concerns for others before the Lord and prayer, we are interceding on behalf of those needs. We may be seeking something or we are concerned about someone else. Nevertheless, God loves to hear from us, and to share our heart With him. Bible teaches at the Holy Spirit is at work in our prayers. 

The reason that many pray is because they worry about things that are outside of their control. It’s important that we consider this principle as a motivation for praying. However, this particular style of prayer can be helpful. I like the quote that reads from a local church sign: “Worry is the darkroom where negatives can develop.”

There is a method that I think could be very helpful. Not only removes the intimidating factors, but it also guides us in our prayer life.

It’s not a system as much as it is a practical way to spend time with God in prayer. I found this method helpful in my own life. You may find yourself in a similar mode as me. I am rushing around throughout my day while neglecting a prayer life.

Certainly, there are those habits of prayer that we could always cultivate better. Yet, there is one method that has helped me build consistency in my prayer life and yet it is practical for every day.

Sentence prayers is a practical step forward and helps us be more contemplative than goal oriented. It is a practical step that builds consistency.

Sometimes we are tempted to pray long prayers, as if somehow, it is up to us to convince God to act. Feels like work or demonstrates levels of spiritual pride, elevating to a lofty state.

So the simple concept means that we would take a first scripture, or even reciting a prayer like the Lords prayer (Matthew 4), but pause between each sentence to consider its meaning; listen, instead of speaking to God.

We can also use Psalm 23. As an example, we may pray the first sentence, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” By pausing we would consider the position that God has in our life, and that we can have total dependence upon him for everything.

Some choose to journal related to various topics as they recite and pray the one sentence prayer. Take a belief system and break it down by a sentence and consider what God would have us imagine based on that topic.

So, instead of trying to impress God and others, simply learn to listen and wait upon the Lord. Pace your prayer life. Don’t force it or rush through it! 

Monday, January 22, 2024

If - Than…

 What if? What an interesting expression. IF, can be attached to almost any expression. IF only. What IF? IF not. See more

It cannot stand alone. It must have a conjunctive like the word, THAN. The word we attach to this word makes up its meaning. It cannot stand alone. As we reach the Bible, we must complete the meaning of the purpose of the Word. 

It is grace and truth!

It is beginning and end.

It is first and last.

God completes the tension we find IF we only focus on one aspect and not the other. There is good and evil. There is eternal life and eternal death. 

Romans 12:6-8

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. IF your gift is serving others, serve them well. IF you are a teacher, teach well. IF your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. IF it is giving, give generously. IF God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And IF you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

The word IF is found in this passage of text. It denotes action. If we have been given something, we have a responsibility to give it away. There is a reason we have been given something not for self alone! 

We have been given something so that we may invest it into something beyond ourselves. Gifts are meant to be given away. They are meant to be invested into something beyond ourselves. 

So, IF you and I are to fulfill God’s plan for our lives, THAN we are being given an opportunity to invest. Our spiritual gifts are for the purpose for which they have been given. Not for self but for God! 

Someone used their gifts to introduce you to hope! Someone used their gifts to bring you into a personal relationship with God, in Christ. For me, this is true. Someone took their IF - THAN to love me into God’s Kingdom. IF I have been given something, THAN I can invest into someone else - in spiritual terms! 

What IF have you been given? What is your THAN that you need to take action on? 

God chose to use His Church - you & me - as followers of Jesus to invest the gifts we have for others 

Right now, who are two or three people you interact with? 

What is the two or three (spiritual) gifts that you can use to invest into their lives? 

Take action on your IF’s. 

A little humor comes for me the Family Circle cartoon.  Like the cartoon, what is your IF — offering advice to a pastor — THAN take action. Ha! 

What is your IF? What THAN will you do?