Sunday, October 22, 2006

Crisis and Happiness

The impact of trauma effects our happiness if happiness is but only circumstance-driven. Happiness is deeper than this. Many think happiness is related to materialism or even tied to good times. Happiness is not simply related to a feeling. It isn't just an emotion.

Psalm 1 says blessed is.... It relates to far more than an internal attitude. Its source is found in God.

So, when the storms of life come, we don't need to give up happiness. Sure, there is a time of mourning. There is an effect that is negative when trauma impacts our lives. I am not saying that we pretend to be happy when life's circumstance is negative. But, the inner strength of mankind should not easily taken away when faced with crisis.

Happiness is an inner confidence. It comes from the joy department of the inner soul! It is not simply to laugh or become cynical. It has an inner confidence that God is able to take this circumstance and make something beautiful. (Romans 8:28)

A Crisis Evangelist will demonstrate an inner strength - a joy - that goes deeper than trauma and circumstance. They are able to convey a sense of confidence. They are patient and empathetic. They provide a calming presence. While the world is rocked by crisis the evangelist will not preach but demonstrate a peace that passes all understanding.

Practicing the presence of God is our strength. We know that no matter the circumstance, God is with us.