Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Sacrifices Moms Make.

This year, in fact this week my mother turned 81 years young. Today I thought I would reflect on the sacrifice that mom’s make, at least as I reflect on my own mother.

Growing up in a large family of eight children is no easy task. Yet, it was the sacrifice of our mother that is extraordinary. There were so many times that her sacrifice meant that her children could be happy and healthy.

Amidst so many memories, one stands out in particular. I can recall the many hours that she would spend sorting laundry and standing at an ironing board while many of her children ran in and out of the home living carefree. The picture of that is forever burned in my memory as I reflect on the joy that my mother would sacrifice for my happiness.

Of course, there were stressful days and difficult times. What home would be complete without those memories as well. Yet, my mother seem to always triumph in her ability to care for our needs. Often, setting aside her own needs in the process of caring for ours.

Three things come to mind as I think about not only my own mother but the many times that moms sacrifice.

1. Picking up after us.

I’ve raised children and I’ve seen the many times that their mother, Cindi would walk behind them picking up as they dropped their clothes in a trail. My mother, with not only have to pick up after us but could’ve easily gotten lost in the midst of all the laundry that would pile up all around the house. 

My mother grew up Dutch and she was always cleaning up after us. She would always keep the house clean and would constantly get after us about leaving dirty dishes or other debris in the wake of our busy little lives. You could imagine that each of us left our fair share for mother to clean up.

2. Teaching us those lessons in real time.

Each my siblings could tell you about the many lessons that we learned because of our mother. We learned to work hard and to be honest. Many time she had to be the judge to deliberate the many times that we accused one another of lying or have to break up a dispute like a boxing referee. 

We learned not too pull the wool over our mother’s eyes. She was often on to us when we thought we could scheme or lie. She would call us into account and often use the threat that many of us have heard, "Wait ‘till your father gets home." I think most of us were more concerned about what our mother would do to us. 

It was a different day when physical punishment was often the norm. I don’t believe our mother was ever abusive but there were those times when we needed correction. She would have us go to the willow tree to obtain the tool of correction. When she said sit down and be quiet we didn’t hesitate but obeyed. 

3. I’ll take care of that.

Since she was a nurturer, many times we would come to her with our difficulties and problems whether it was the neighborhood bully or difficulties at school. On more than one occasion I would hear her say, "I’ll take care of that." 

Hearing those words brought instant relief to the anxiety that we felt. I remember times when she would get on the school bus to issue a fair warning to the neighborhood bully. Of course that was when I was in third grade. It is a reminder of how protective mother can be.

Of course, there were those sick days but I felt I needed to take time off from school. I would wake up in the morning with a cough or fever and my mother would simply say, "I’ll take care of that."

So many times I needed things to be taken care of and I could always depend on my mother stepping in to take care of things that I didn’t know how to do.

All of us could assure tributes about her mothers in their care. She has often been a protector and would nurture, taking care of the needs that we have from skinned knees and bruised egos.

I am grateful that my mother is still living in that we have the opportunity to tell her often that we love her and appreciate her.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Today Will Never Come Again!

My father-in-law, affectionately called, Papa Don often says, "This is a great day. There has never been a day like this one and there will never be a day like this one again." With wild enthusiasm for life, Papa Don is optimistic as he expresses his love for for God’s new day and people often. This is the foundation of my blog today. 

Each new day is a new awakening to the blessings God has given. In the age we live too many waste their day in worry and pass quickly through planning the days to come. We are all guilty of this. Our calendars are full as we anticipate tomorrow. We are often anxious as we look into the future, missing the present. 

Few people are living in the present. Most are anxious for tomorrow. You can spot them because they look hurried. I am one of those. My wife often said that I possessed the "hurried sickness" referring to Dr. James Dodson’s research on this particular illness. 

In recent years I have made every attempt to work on my anxious spirit. I memorized the Bible passages that tell me not to worry; Matthew 6:25, 28; Luke 12:22; Phillipians 4:6; Proverbs 27:1; 1 Corinthians 15:32: James 4:14. 

It is too often that people can rush through their day striving to earn an income and forgetting how God provides. Even though I still make plans for the future, because I know that God would want us to remain active, I attempt to live in the present. Scripture reminds us that God is in control. In Psalm 37:23 we read, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." 

As we seek God‘s will we soon discover opportunities that can only be from the Lord. Each day I pray that the Lord would send a "divine interruption" in my life so that I could be a blessing and encouragement to someone. I define a divine interruption as a situation that is not planned but that God chooses to use to make a divine opportunity for ministry.

Take just a few minutes now and meditate on the Word of God. Take a few minutes to listen to this video originally produced by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Order My Steps.

Psalm 119:133-136 King James Version (KJV)

133 - Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

Consider today only. Be in the present and discover the presence of God in all you do. It may surprise you to know that everyone is gaurenteed the same, Christian or non-Christian. We may call this prevenient Grace.

Lamentations 3:22-24

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

"The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."