Friday, November 20, 2020

Fight Fear Fatigue!

You have been there many times before. Fear is a natural reaction to uncertainty or shock. Fear can overwhelm anyone. If it doesn’t you may not be human. 

The disciples during Jesus’ day dealt with fear on several occasions that we know of as we read scripture. One occasion is when they were in a boat fishing and a nightly storm caught them unaware and unprepared. They were frantic and fearful they would die. Yet, in total contrast, Jesus was sleeping through the worst part of the storm. He was asleep!

The disciples finally were able to awaken Jesus only to see Him do a miracle before them. He calmed the wind and waves by showing that He commanded nature. He calmed the seas! (Reported in Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4;35-41; Luke 8:22-25.) 

Today, we are overwhelmed to the point of dealing with fear fatigue! We see many who are so fearful that they are growing tired of being so afraid! Many are fear fatigued!

Today, I am calling for us to fight against fear lest we too grow tired! Fighting fear fatigue means putting up a defense against doubt that leads to fear that can also lead us to giving up or being so very tired of being afraid! We need to find faith, through Christ who gives us strength to overcome fear. We need to find faith that strengthens our resolve. 

I have often hear the fear is an unfounded and false evidence appearing to be real. Our world is sourced by public opinion that produces false evidence resulting in the emotional response that categorically produces fear! Public opinions are like navels, we all have one! But, there is good news we can turn to that can help us fight fear fatigue.

The only hope we have is the truth of the Bible. God’s promises and precepts can calm the waters of any storm we experience. They are like discovering gold, we must read His Word and pray, looking for His Word that fights fear fatigue!

Perhaps this Thanksgiving we can count our blessings and realize just how much God has done for us. We too just may be able to do what Jesus did during the storm; take a nap.