Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Purpose of Persistence.

The parable of the Persistent Widow, as told in Luke 18:1-8, is a powerful illustration of the importance of persistent prayer and faith in God's justice. It tells the story of a widow who persistently sought justice from an unjust judge. Despite his lack of fear for God or respect for people, the judge eventually granted her request, worn down by her relentless pleas. Jesus used this story to teach His disciples a valuable lesson about prayer and faith.

The parable reminds us that we must trust in God's timing and sovereignty. It is easy to become impatient when things are not happening according to our desired timelines or outcomes. However, the story of the Persistent Widow encourages us to persist in prayer, to continually bring our requests before God, and to trust in His justice.

The parable also highlights the character of God. Unlike the unjust judge, God is righteous, loving, and merciful. He hears the cries of His children and is moved by their pleas. Jesus assures us, "Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?" This is a powerful reminder of God's character. He is not an indifferent judge but a loving Father who cares deeply for His children.

Finally, Jesus challenges us to remain faithful. He ends the parable with a question, "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" This is a call to steadfast faith, even in the face of delay or difficulty. It is a reminder that our faith is not based on immediate answers but on the unchanging character of God.

The parable of the Persistent Widow teaches us to persist in prayer, trust in God's justice, and remain steadfast in faith. It encourages us to approach God with boldness and persistence, assured of His love and justice. It challenges us to remain faithful, even when the answers are delayed or the path is difficult.

In conclusion, the Parable of the Persistent Widow teaches us to persist in prayer, trust in God's justice, and remain steadfast in faith. It encourages us to approach God with boldness and persistence, assured of His love and justice. It challenges us to remain faithful, even when the answers are delayed or the path is difficult.

Let us, therefore, be like the persistent widow, continually bringing our requests before God, trusting in His justice, and remaining steadfast in faith. Let us remember that our God is not an unjust judge, but a loving Father who hears our cries and cares for us deeply. 

And when the Son of Man comes, may He find us faithful, persistent in prayer, and trusting in His justice.

May God bless us with the spirit of persistent prayer, unwavering faith, and deep trust in His justice.