Sunday, August 23, 2020

Only Half Alive :: Love Goes Beyond

I was reading recently a few passages of scripture that convinced me more than ever before. I am commanded to love! 

One notable scripture is in Luke 10.

It is in this passage that we find the story of the Good Samaritan who was the hero who loved and served a person who was beaten and robbed by bandits. This story illustrated who our neighbor is and what mercy means. Jesus taught that love goes beyond. 

Like the disciples — we too are being reminded — that as as we do unto the least of these, we do for Him! 

The disciples or amazed by Jesus is teaching most notably as a relates to his authority for justice and judgment! He makes it clear that in days of judgment he will separate the sheep from the goats.

When we look past our own indifference and complacency, we will see the incredible need around us each and every day. There is another world that is very active all around where we live, shop, eat, and other places we go… It’s a world filled with hopelessness and despair. But God lifts us from that perspective to see those in need! God’s kingdom is like that. 

I’m reminded of what was written about in the story of the Good Samaritan. 

Edwin Bechner gave commentary to this when he said that when the good Samaritan came to the man who was half dead along the road, he responded to the man’s need BUT he also recognized his own help someone else. He says that the Samaritan responded because he realized that he could do something. 

Edwin wrote: “Though the man was half dead, the good Samaritan realize that he, himself, was only half alive!”

** It is in helping others that we come to live again! **