Sunday, November 27, 2022

Someone Listened!

When I was just a child I tried to get my parent’s attention. They were busy! They were raising 8 children. They were always working. They always had busy lives. Often I would ask my mother if I could go with her to run errands. I would often ask my mom where she was going. She seemed to always answer with the same expression, “I am going crazy!” It wasn’t until I had children of my own that I understood where she meant.

We all desire to be heard. Perhaps that is why we engage in conversation and activities with others. We all longed for more interactions with others during COVID. Isolation is why so many struggled with mental health issues. We are designed to be in relationship with others. 

During each chapter of my life I needed someone to listen especially in transitions. Going into high school, entering college, getting married, choosing my life profession, having children and many other chapters. Like you, we all need someone to listen. 

Especially as a teenager, I needed someone to listen to me. I had many questions. I needed direction. 

As I chose to head off to college and choose my life’s work and vocation, I needed to sort through my life Calling. I was not that unusual to need counsel. 

My pastor and his wife, Rev. James and Kittie Kreider were instrumental to guide me in knowing what I was good at and how I could use those abilities to choose my vocation. I was raised, in part, in the church. I spent many hours at the church. Not only to attend the church activities like youth group but I was also a custodian. I even did my internship one summer during my college years. I eventually became a pastor and was given opportunity to listen to others. 

During my vocation I was able to do youth ministry at several churches, I was able to give lead as a church planter. I became a mentor to at-risk youth. I also became a probation officers for young people. Eventually getting licensed as a foster parents to at-risk youth. I eventually was credentialed to do jail ministry and a chaplain to police officers. 

I believe that it was because someone listened to me in my time of need that I became able to also listen to others. Each of us have the opportunity to contribute to the lives of others simply by listening.