Thursday, August 29, 2019

What Happens When You Share The Plan of Salvation?

I knew it was something that I should do but I was rather frightened by the prospect. My love for Christ compelled me to act, but I hesitated, believing that I needed to wait. After being stirred up in my spirit during breakfast with my friend, I took a big gulp, calmly took a deep breath, I  proceeded to share my faith and a biblical plan of salvation with my friend. Believe me, it was not an easy task, at first. Eventually, however, I found the conversation to be uplifting and I could see that my friend was responding well to our conversation. Norm was not easy to talk to you about spiritual matters.

Even though Norm and I worked together for weeks, making repairs at the small church I was pastoring. Norm knew how to make repairs and renovations and I supplied the labor. He simply told me what to do. He was not interested in "churchy things" as he would often say. He was a man that drove a truck for a living and never backed-down from a fight. On one of his deliveries I tagged along and during the trip he was confronted by a threat as we drove through a large city in the roughest part of the area. I remember Norm saying something about being ready for a fight as he pulled out his revolver, waiving off the potential altercation.

Remembering this incident and knowing that Norm could potential get angry as his voice got louder as we sat at the restaurant for breakfast. Knowing this, created fear in my heart as I proceeded to recite Bible verses and weave in my testimony. I carefully shared with him because I wanted him to know the good news that I had experienced in Christ. Eventually the conversation led to a time of prayer and Norm prayed aloud (in fact, loud enough that everyone could hear him). He prayed a deep, sincere prayer asking for God's forgiveness which began a new life in Christ.

Sharing the plan of salvation is often a very difficult thing for people to do. There are many concerns, including feeling inhibited and afraid that somebody will counter their proposal with a question or a position that is hard to debate. You may be like I was year earlier as I pressed in on the subject with Norm. I felt fear and increased anxiety but eventually God responded in answer to my prayers.

I believe the three things happen when we share our faith with others, especially when the recipient responds favorably and may even receive Christ as their personal savior.

1. Your Faith is Strengthened.

It’s interesting how God chooses to use us to share the message of God's good news and at the same time strengthen our faith in the process. As we encounter difficult conversations, we learn more and more of God’s grace. While others may challenge our suppositions it causes us to dig deeper to find the answers. In this process, our faith deepens.

God also gave me courage and strength to speak to Norm. In every situation I have found God developing me and deepening my own faith. As we depend on God for help, He always provides. He gives us wisdom to share the hope we have with others.

I often think about my experiences over the years as building blocks for later opportunities to share my faith. I have come to believe that as I depend on God to help me that He has always been faithful. I have been able to share my faith and a biblical plan of salvation with hundreds of people over the years. (Read more from 1 Peter 1:23-25.)

2. Hope is Released.

We know that it is the work of the Holy Spirit and not of man that people come to faith in Jesus Christ. We recognize that we are merely an instrument, a mouthpiece, and an example that God chooses to use to bring others to faith. In the moment we share our faith and testimony, I find that hope is released. I see it on the face of those I share with. I find that people are looking for answers and longing for hope, and God always delivers.

What can occur, if we share God's message, is that Hope is released. We know that the gospel message is good news and we also know that the Holy Spirit is at work. If our messages one of love, not condemnation we will discover that hope is released on others who hear this good news. There of been many times that I’ve seen it on the faces of others as this message of love and concern is shared. We find that often, the Holy Spirit is already at work in the life of another.

Our message should be shared through love and this message will produce a hope. Eventually hope will not disappoint. Hope becomes the reality of others as we share His good news.  (Read more from 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.)

3. God Receives His Glory.

There is a third, extraordinary thing that happens as we share our faith. Not only does it strengthen our faith and it brings hope in the life of another. Yet, there is one more thing that happens. God receives glory while all of heaven rejoices!

The ironic thing is that what really matters in evangelism is that God is glorified. It matters most that what we share with others and what other experience through hope originate with God. It is His message! Sharing our faith has very little to do with us and, it doesn’t matter whether our message is received or rejected in the process. The message we carry is not our own, though the Lord does allow us to use our story as a testament of this good news.

It is likened to a musician. The violinist may be exceptional in their art. They may even offer beautiful music to those that listen. Yet, in reality is is not the art of the music or the appreciation one may have for such incredible music. It is actually in the instrument and it's creator. The careful craftsmanship of the violin and it's design point to the creator. It is to the applause of the creator that the artist and the instrument perform. It was designed to bring glory to the creator.

As we allow God to use us to share the message of God and we see the hope that is realized in others which also points to God, we find that God is glorified while all of heaven is rejoicing.  As we share this good news, we are doing what we were created to do!  We point to God, the creator and God is glorified which causes all of heaven to rejoice! Just as Jesus describes this as illustrated that the shepherd leaves the 99 to rescue the 1. (Read more in Luke 15:3-7.)

Back to the story of Norm that I shared with you earlier. I often wonder how I would’ve felt had I not shared my testimony and God's word with him. I can't imagine what regret I could have felt has I not pushed passed my fear to bring hope to Norm. I was able to say to Norm that he would see his grandson, whom he loved deeply, again in heaven on day. As Norm held a picture of his grandson he prayed a simple prayer for faith and God delivered what He promises.

Stained Glass Windows at God's House, Marion
It was to everyone's surprise that Norm made dramatic changes in his life. It was clear to everyone that he was different. He came to church that following Sunday wearing a new suit. He was different. He carried a smile and walked a little taller. He was making careful inspection of his life and began to make a difference. I recall receiving a phone call from Norm on the date of his wedding anniversary. He was never happier as he told me that he was a new man and this anniversary was going to be different.

That phone call was the last one I had with Norm. Just a few days earlier he and I found a new day in our relationship. It was a powerful experience that has forever changed how I minister today. It was a miracle both for me as well as for him. To everyone's surprise, within a few days of Norm coming to know the Lord he suffered a massive heart attack and died on his anniversary.

I often think that had I not shared my faith with him at that time he would’ve gone into eternity without a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That day forever changed my life and I was able to lead his funeral giving the good news of the eternal hope Norm experienced through salvation. (Read more from Philippians 2:7-11.)

I won't let a day go by without somehow planting seeds for Christ. It may be in my actions, or in my conversations, or through my faith that I plant seeds. Why?  I want to bring God glory, this is the purpose of why I was created. I want to reflect the craftsmanship of my creator. 

See more: Revive Motivates Us To Evangelism.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What If The Church Got Involved in Foster Care?

Just imagine, for just a few moments what could happen as churches get involved. What if, your church got involved in the lives of those in foster care and adoption? I don’t mean just promoting and encouraging people to get licensed to provide the care of our most vulnerable children in their homes. As good as that is, what if this became a ministry of the local church? What if, one out of every other church took a sincere interest in the lives of children and youth through foster care? What if, a church came along side every foster parent and provided support and a break through mentoring and other activities?

Church is the right place for this kind of ministry. We can not deny the biblical evidence of the role the church should play in this ministry! We only need to look up Orphan in the Bible dictionary to read the about the high importance the God places in those most vulnerable!

There are over 400,000 children throughout the United States that are in foster care and adoption ready. The church could have a profound impact on the very lives of the next generation! The need is great and the message is clear, as Francis Chan teaches on the book of James, saying, What if, (paraphrased) every church in the United States took an interest in one child, we could end this statistic. Read more.

There are several reasons that the church could make a profound impact on the lives of such a precious natural resource, our children and youth.

1. Mission-fit Ministry.

The Bible makes it clear that the Church has a responsibility to care for Orphans. In much of Western Culture the Orphan are not only those needing adopted but also those in Foster Care. This is "the church's next mission" as Dr. John DeGarmo suggests in his article of the same title.
Today’s churches have a tremendous mission opportunity before them; the mission to help children in foster care. Sadly, with roughly 500,000 children in foster care in the United States, the need is so very strong. - DeGarmo
The church is a design that was formed out of the early book of Acts as a helping ministry (see Act 2). Beyond this, we find much of the mandate of the church is to love the world and care for the needy. 

2. Compassion Runs Deep.

The church is a place where compassion runs deeply (mostly). Not every church does this well but most do. When there is a national crisis or emergency, it is the church that steps up first and gives the necessary charity.
Still, religious people, those with at least some college education and families with college students were more likely to donate and to volunteer than everyone else.  American Generosity After Disaster.
The church is a front line of defense in the defense of the vulnerable. They are the organizations that have historically started more Orphan ministries, Hospitals, Social Services, and Justice Reform than others in the U.S. The very ethos of the church is a response to what the Bible has to say about compassionate ministries. The story of the Good Samaritan is a key to this ethos. The idea to love your neighbor as part of the Golden Rule is etched into it's very identity.  They read James 1:27 and take it to mean that they are to literally get involved in the needs of the Orphan.

3. Resources are Available.

Along with generosity is the idea of abundance. The church is filled with generous people yet, as an organization they are united to provide resources that can make a difference in it's mission. The Christian Church us filled with many ministry-minded objectives that are based on Jesus and His ministry of care and compassion yet we also see that they are resourceful. They have the ability to get involved.

Resources are vital in the care and cause of the most vulnerable. They have the ability to utilize their united calling. Dr. John DeGarmo, in his book, Faith and Foster Care, he documents how the church can respond to needs. He quotes Romans 12:6-8 and highlights the talents of people that make up the organization of the church. He outlines several ministries the church could easily get involved in and often lead to help the Orphan and those in Foster Care. He first of all states that prayer is foremost. He writes;
There are a number of ways a church can pray for a foster child and his foster family....A prayer team can also begin praying for the children even before he is placed into his foster home, praying that the transition is as smooth and as comfortable as possible. (Page 126)
The church has the capacity to understand prayer in response to the needs that there are in foster care.  They read passages from the Bible like Matthew 25:36-37 and immediately make the connection that serving the Orphan is likened to serving Christ. This becomes a key religious experience and practice for the church.

4. Preserving the Future.

In addition, the ministry to vulnerable children and youth involves everyone! The church recognizes that every generation needs to be impacted and be a world changer for Christ. Many, if not most churches have a children's ministry. If they don't they make this one of the first ministries they start!
They see their role as investors into the lives of others. The church is likened unto the Friends Church which saw the need of Orphaned children through Josiah White. He stated several ministries including White's Residential and Family Services to care for the most vulnerable. Today, this organization carried on his Will and testament to care for children and youth as Christ instructed his disciples. Jesus said to let the children come unto Himself (Matthew 19:14). More can be read here.

Therefore, what if is not just a phrase woven into this article asking us to think and dream of an active church in the ministry to the most vulnerable. It is lived out as a mission and purpose of existing. It is representing Christ in the ministry of the local church.

The following are three simple acts the church can do today in response to the needs of the most vulnerable; children and youth in Foster Care and Adoption Ministries.

A. Daily Prayer.

A healthy church prays.  The first line of defense for churches and it's community is prayer. The church can reach out to God in prayer on behalf of needs.  As a reminder of this, Dr. John DeGarmo says that, "Prayer is a powerful tool." (Pg 57) In his book, Faith and Foster Care, he cites John 15:7 that reads, "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."  Certainly the care of vulnerable children is in His Will.  It is what God expects us to do.  Just google "bible and orphan and see what I mean. In my case I was given over 13 million results of which one cited 41 Bible versus about Orphans.

B. Demonstrated Care.

The Bible, as the guidebook for the church offers hundreds of ideas on ministry and most prominent is the ministry to widows and orphans. Yes, these two social groups are tied together. Perhaps it is because those are the groups that often has no rights and were most vulnerable in every community. This is not much different today.

The church can demonstrate in relevant and practical ways. There is something everyone can do to affect change.

The church can meet the needs of the foster child without it even costing them anything!  The people of the church can get involved in hundreds of ways to help demonstrate the love of God to those in need. Dr. John DeGarmo offers one of many ideas. He simply says we can bring "HOPE. A future. As a foster parent, you have the potential of bringing a future home to a child." (Pg 47)

He further offers a simple, yet effective way to demonstrate God's love. He writes;

"Are you aware that hundreds of thousands of foster children have never had a present to open on Christmas Day? This reality alone makes me sad. To think that a child is sitting in a home, right now, on his birthday, and there is no one who will sing "Happy Birthday" to him, no cake or ice cream party, no presents with his name on them, no one to make him feel special." (Pg 47)

C. Devoted Concern.

The final idea that I want to express is that no one may even think about the plight of an Orphaned child or a child in Foster Care. That is until a church decides to devote just a little bit of concern. I speak in churches all the time and everyday I speak to pastors. I know that the majority of those I connect with have not even given the slightest thought in recent days of the plight of a vulnerable child. Ministry is just too busy for people to think about every need that there is.

I am not raising this concern because I want to make people feel guilty. It is a fact that unless someone tell them, they will not know. Many have a misunderstanding of the issues of Foster Care. See my article on the Myths of Foster Care. Unless they hear someone talk about it or see advertisement, they will not likely even think about those whom Jesus cared for most. I can prove that Jesus thought of the needs of vulnerable children. In John 3 we find Jesus using children as an example of His Kingdom. He could have likened this to anything but when he spoke of His Kingdom, He spoke of children. He even helps us to understand (as does the Apostle Paul) that we too are adopted into His Kingdom. We become His child.

I offer that the church should have Foster Care and adoption ministries woven like a thread in all they do around the world as well as in their neighborhood.

I like what Dr. Krish Kandiah said at the Global Leadership Conference regarding ministry to those in Foster Care or Adoption; "As leaders, we are called to see potential in people when others only see problems, hope when others see chaos, opportunities when others see obstacles." Some may say that this ministry is hard and complex but I say, as quoted from Edgar Allan Poe; "Never to suffer would never to have been blessed."

These are the options before the church. We should and can get involved so that we too can have a greater understanding of the love and grace of Christ who adopted us into His Kingdom