Friday, April 14, 2006

Bad has it's good news!

TODAY we contemplate the the wonderful gift we have of sins forgiven. What is so important about Good Friday, you ask? What's that big deal? It is because of Jesus that we can find hope of eternal life with Him.

My brother offers a few reminders of God's grace extended to us:

1. CRUCIFIED Together With Christ (Galatians 2:20)
2. BURIED Together With Christ (Romans 6:4)
3. RAISED Together With Christ (Colossians 3:1)
4. SUFFERERS Together With Christ (Romans 8:17)
5. GLORIFIED Together With Christ (Romans 8:17)
6. CAUGHT UP Together With Christ (I Thessalonians 4:17)
7. ENTHRONED Together With Christ (Revelations 3:21)

"We acknowledge the Death of Jesus on our behalf. It was on the cross where Jesus took the entire weight of sin, though sinless, He took our sin upon Himself. Three days later He AROSE victor over the grave and death. Because He lives we celebrate these Seven Together's. Happy Easter!" - Brother Bob Carder

The sacrifice Jesus gave for the redemption of my lostness is an incredible gift! Thank God for what He did. This day was certainly not a good day for our Lord! May I never forget to be grateful.

As I look at those around me in distress and unaware of the tremendous gift of His shed blood, death and resurrection, may I re-affirm my commitment to care for others rather than to be cared for. May I re-affirm my need to serve other than be served by other. May I re-affirm the message of hope in Christ!

The good news is that even though the day may be filled with distress and frustration - a bad day, we can celebrate the good news. Even bad has it's good news of Hope eternal in Jesus Christ!