Sunday, November 24, 2019

Thankfulness Is Not Seasonal: It Is An Attitude! 

Likely there are many articles being written about Thanksgiving so, I thought I would add yet one more. However, my thoughts are taking shape as I write this entry.

I have much to be thankful for. Gratitude derives it’s existence from thankfulness. But, hold that thought for just a moment. I may need define a few things first.

My thoughts center on the adjective and not the Holiday of Thanksgiving. While they do go together, one describes the other. It is a description of what the Holiday represents!

Thankfulness is about the attitude. It means having a good and healthy attitude about which we celebrate. Having a spirit of thankfulness means being grateful. It is about being pleased and it derives it’s meaning from an internal quality not influenced by external happenings. At least that is true for Christians who should have a heart of thankfulness.

Our attitude is influenced by the way we think. If we choose to be negative we will not have a healthy attitude. If we choose to see things as bad or fatal, we will be possessed by a negative outlook. There isn’t any amount of turkey and mashed potatoes that can solve that bad attitude.

So, instead I choose to have a thankful heart that produces a positive attitude!
The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! - Henry Ward Beecher
I am thankful for ...
  • Family who loves. There is nothing like family. It is here that your rest your head and let your hair down. It is where you and Incan be real. I am grateful for my family who remain family through the thick and the thin. It is here that you learn responsibility! 
  • Friends who care. You cannot choose your family but you can choose your friends. This is an important ingredient to this category. Friendship is a wonderful blessing because it is here that you can learn to be honest, and find sincere feedback. It is where you learn accountability. It here that you learn grace!
  • Freedom that is bountiful. I am thankful that I live I a place that is abundant in free-will. I know that not everyone has this luxury. I am aware that it can easily be taken away. I learn to be a guardian of freedom by what I do to protect it for others. Freedom is more than democracy and it is less than unlimited boundaries. I learn to honor others and promote justice!
  • Faith that transforms. My faith alone is not the think I am thankful for though it is what promotes hope. I know that as I believe that I must act according to beliefs. My faith is in The Truth of the Bible and the grace of my Lord, Jesus Christ. It is here that I grow to understand love for God and love of mankind! 
I love the saying by William Blake; "A thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest."

Go ahead and make your list and you will be surprised how it can chage your outlook as well! Count your blessings not your worries. Consider all the things that you benefit by but more importantly the relationships that you have. I’ll never be disappointed as you focus on the intangible and even recalling the particular miracles I got is done on your behalf.

You have a harvest of blessings that are yours because you choose to have an attitude of thankfulness.