Thursday, September 19, 2019

When We Pray -- Revive Us!

 Let me take a few moments in this blog to let you take a peek into a very intimate gathering of ministers who have gathered today from counties all over the northern state of Indiana. I am sitting with pastors and church leaders just now as prayers are spoken and passionately shared. It is so good to gathered in prayer! From across northern Indiana pastors and ministry leaders gathered on September 19, 2019 at Plymouth Crossroads Church. The invitation was sent and over 50 showed up to do nothing but pray!

This was a very personal and intimate gathering that quickly because a sacred space where many shared concerns in prayer. Many offered very personal requests and offered up the most vulnerable of concerns.

They did not gather to plan. They did not meet with an agenda. They did not even where name tags to include the name of their church. Instructions were simple, "Only put your name and county of origin on your name tag and pray!"

Three categories were prayed about: The Nation, the State of Indiana, and the Church. No one dominated! No one dictated! No one focused on themselves. Those that prayed were worshipful and prayed scripture. Only praise to God was given up!

Representing many churches, coming from many different counties, and many nations were present, we came to pray. As I write this blog, I am also stopping to pray and write, prayer a little more and write.

Pastors and ministry leaders are some of the most passionate when they pray! They are transparent in their time of prayer! They are not instructive but inspired by God’s presence! They are not guarded but confessed failings and faults. They humbled themselves among strangers that gathered.

Scattered around the intimate room, they gathered comfortably in sacred spaces throughout the room. This room was a sanctuary of hope and thanksgiving! Many prayed for peace, patience, and petitioned for others!
There were honest to God and prayed faith-filled words! Speak life - Pour out Yourself - We give You praise - Let us abide in You  - No matter the cost ... 
Prayers were spoken for those in local leadership; those in government leadership. Non-partisan and non-political, they prayer that God would bless this nation! They prayed for vision and hope!

It was truly remarkable as they prayed for the state in for one another as pastors. The leader that brought everyone together is Gordon Henke. He concluded the meeting by reminding everyone that, “The glory goes to God. It is not about ownership, it’s about obedience.”

One of the pastors stated that we are, “Pastoring not a church, but a region. We are united as the body of Christ.” There were those that shared visions and dreams that provide hope and healing for this land! There is no way this article could capture all that happened today in this prayer movement but it continues!

 This gathering will continue on a quarterly basis. Pastors are encouraged to sign up and be further engaged if they are pastoring from the counties in the northern state. They would go to Northern Indiana Pastors on Facebook.