Saturday, June 22, 2019

Taking Delight In Watching My Grandkids!

This entry is very personal. I am sitting with great contemplation and joy as I watch my grandson and granddaughter play in my backyard. They grow up way too fast. Of course, you’ve heard that before and you know all too well. It seems as though just yesterday my own kids were the age of my grandkids.

I had one of those moments, just yesterday when my granddaughter came running across the yard toward me. For a split second I could’ve swore that she was my daughter, Josslyn at that age. The way in which she ran caused me to reflect upon those years with great fondness. I take pleasure in watching our grandkids grow up.

Everything that they do is like an new adventure, every time. Their imagination is growing wild and they are learning so many new things, so quickly too! They say the darnedest things. It’s such an incredible feeling to see them grow up. It is so amazing to see their personality develop. It’s interesting to see how they often mirror our own antics and personality.

I realize that not everyone that reads this blog has grandchildren. Many don’t have children. Perhaps this is a bit of a stretch as you read this article thinking about how active your children are and all the stress that it takes to raise them. I remember those days too. It wasn’t always peaceful and easy. Yet, there were those moments when I just needed to sit back and watch them. Life goes too quickly to rush into each and every day.

So what’s my point? Why would I write this blog? Certainly it’s to remind us to be reflective and to think about the essential values that we want to pass on to our children. Of course, it is to remind us to take time to capture these special moments. Indeed it is to realize how fleeting life is.

It’s more than that, isn’t it?
Numbers 14:8 - If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey.

I can’t help but imagine how God must feel as He looks down on His children. The innocence of such little ones is a reminder of God’s original design. As He provided for them and placed His children in the garden, offering them anything and nearly everything, He had just a few restrictions. Those restrictions were intended to keep them safe. As he walked with them in their age of innocence, He took delight in what He had created. Even the many years later when he took a similar interest and joy as He offered them the Promised Land, He took delight. Yet, things did not always stay that way.
We know today that we are impacted by sin that even damaged His creation. His original plan was scarred because of the poor decisions of His created ones.

Think of your own children, they make choices as they grow. They of course are seeking independence and they have free will. Their choices are not always the ones we would have for them. Our hopes and our dreams are good for them and we want the best for them.

Thankfully that as God’s children made bad choices He provided another plan for their lives. A plan that brought redemption through His grace in Jesus Christ. Read more HERE.

Back to my grandkids. They are not angels, nor are they perfect. They grow tired and hungry. They don’t always listen to instruction and they are known to fight with each other.

It is in those special moments, like that which I’m enjoying right now, that causes me to take delight In them! I have this special time to show them love and provide as I can for them. I know my responsibility is that of a teacher and parent; one who gives careful instruction and is patient. It’s not only my responsibility to carefully instruct and lovingly correct them but to show them how to love and care about others.

Is it interesting how God uses our flawed nature to care for another generation? If we do this right, we can somehow help them to learn of the goodness of God and His plan for our lives. If we do this consistently we can help them learn of who the Bible says God is.
Proverbs 3:12 -- ... for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
For now, take joy in those moments when they say the darndest things or do the most amazing things. Laugh out loud is the experience the wonders of their curiosity. Enjoy them as they develop and build a strong relationship as best you can with them. Ultimately realize that God wants to take delight in us, His children through the  redemptive grace of His glorious plan at work in our lives.