Monday, June 17, 2019

Revival - Is There More? 

You’ve been there. We’ve all experienced it. It’s a reality that often we don’t fully understand. You’ve attended out of routine. You’ve gone because you’re supposed to. What is it? Hold that suspense for just a moment.

Doing the ordinary while complacency sets in. It’s just the way things are. You may even be bored but not sure why. Have you figured it out yet? Perhaps the title gave it away or deep down inside you knew the answer. Is it the church? Did you say the church? Likely you considered that it could be the local church. You may even say that it may not be your church in particular but you know that it happens in other places.

Volumes of books have been written and history has been noted of revival. You may have even attended a special series of events at your local church or a community effort to promote revival. What exactly do we mean by the term revival?
Merriam-Webster Defines it as a state of being renewed. It further defines it as a period of renewed religious interest.
The classic answers are often asserted that it is a state of been renewed. It is taking a renewed interest in religious things. Scripture seems to also reinforce this concept as we read over and over, especially in the book of Acts, of how the church developed and crew. We also know the implications of a church that has become complacent as you look at the churches of Asia-Minor in Revelation chapter three.

Today I wanna give you one more idea that I’d like for you to take very personal. Take a deep and serious look at yourself. Don’t look at the church, or your neighbor, or even those whom you can easily criticize as not being very spiritual. Don’t even look to history as a guide on what revival might look like. Simply look in the mirror at yourself and be honest. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is there room for greater spiritual awareness?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have been more deeply devoted and spiritually connected to God?

3. Is there something in your life that is interrupting your capacity for a great awakening of your spiritual life?

Do your answers invoke a concern or a deeper desire? Do you find yourself curious about the level of complacency that you are experiencing?

Renewal is not something that you could develop in yourself alone. A spiritual revival is something that only God can do, with your cooperation. We can set up the right conditions and even special church events but ultimately a sense of renewal, a.k.a. revival can only happen as we become more saturated with God.

Renewal is something that many long for. There are many promptings for a self reflection and self renewal but it’s nothing to do with revival but it does point in the right direction. You and I have been there where we are challenged to become healthy through a special diet or exercise program. We are encouraged to lose weight in an effort to help us to look and feel better. Nearly every commercial that we see as well as advertisement that we read is a tremendous reminder of the importance of renewal but it doesn’t go far enough!

True revival is something that God does in our midst. It’s as if there is a spark that is creating a fire and we become consumed by it if we choose to let it impact our lives. God, through the power of his Holy Spirit is at work within us to renew and revive our spirit! It is something that we can place ourselves in the midst of but true revival comes from God. It is a significant event that can become a corporate response but it begins with ourselves.

I hope that I can challenge you to experience revival. To get started consider these three ideas.

1. Set aside time alone with God for an extended period of time to seek a renewed spirit.

2. Remove every distraction including your cell phone and social media. Spend time with God in prayer and His Word.

3. Pray, not for petitions and supplications but with a heart of thanksgiving asking God to revive your spirit.

As you feel the urgent fervor of a renewed spirit, invite others to join you in a corporate effort to draw closer to God. You may even want to further encourage leadership of your local church to cooperate and work together so that revival can bring a renewal to your local Church and community.

You might start by asking the question; is there more? Is there more to this faith and religion than Sunday attendance & tithing? If so, get started on the journey in pursuit of a deeper, fuller faith in Christ.

Next I want to explore the signs and indicators of revival. It not only changes you but it makes a deep impact in your church and community.

You may also want to skip ahead and read my third article related to evangelism.