Saturday, January 05, 2019

Affirmation Is Leadership: #6 Meaningful Moments. An 11-Part Series. 

There is a completely different meaning for those who are managers from those who lead. While some skills are transferable the in results are very different. Play were gonna look at those definitions but most importantly we are going to find that leaders look for meaningful moments in the relationship to deepen one’s understanding of themselves and how they relate to the organization.

Manager look for teachable moments. They rely on performance reviews and evaluations that help point out ways someone could improve. The manager is always looking at the bottom line in the end results. They see people as utilities that help them reach their objectives. Some managers use leadership tactics but their bottom line is still the objective.

Leaders are like coaches. A coach is always looking for that meaningful moment where they could reinforce the skills and strengths of an individual that would help them to perform better in their development. Coaches look for opportunities to stretch their players. Leaders are very influential because they look for opportunities to have meaningful moments. Leaders know that if someone else succeeds, it is an opportunity to celebrate victories.

I believe that leadership equals affirmation. It is not enough to just say, "Good job." It is most important to celebrate the victories of each employee, player, and others in lthr organization.

Leaders are not threatened by the wins of others. Leaders, in fact look for ways to make celebrations meaningful moments. This helps others to achieve more because of the affirmation from leadership.

Leadership is about affirmation especially because of meaningful moments. Within every organization you will find people who have leadership skills; that is the ability to affirm others and celebrate meaningful moments.

Read article #7 here.