Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Affirmation Is Leadership: #3 Fun-loving. An 11-Part Series. 

Leading isn’t boring! It isn’t intended to be dull or a drag. To lead is not just about giving a commanding presence, it is about setting the tone and attitude of the organization and those who give serve it’s mission.

John Maxwell speaks on attitude in book, Developing the Leader Within (2005) when he writes, "A leader's attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions." I believe that leaders who learn to laugh, lighten up, and bring fun to an organization are truly the successful ones. People follow those with good attitudes and positive outlooks in life.

In biblical terms we find many helpful definitions of leadership including having a good attitude. Philippians is full of passages that strengthen the importance having a good attitude.
Philippians 2:4-5 -- Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

In the day and age that we live it’s important more than ever before that leaders demonstrate healthy humor. So often we hear about leaders who act in inappropriate ways or use their position of power to manipulate. Workplace harassment and inappropriate actions have served to bring injury and lack of trust in the workplace.

Of course, there are healthy ways to communicate a fun loving spirit. Comedians and sitcom shows often convey humor in less than appropriate ways but true leaders maintain integrity without setting aside a good sense of humor. They neither put one another down nor single anyone out to convey humor. Being human means allowing yourself levity and helping your team feel good about the organization they serve. Maxwell said it best when he said that "people buy into the leader before they buy into the vision."

Leaders are affirming and part of that includes being fun-loving. People respond to a positive attitude at work. Managers often employee different strategies of threat or pressure to get what they want done but true leaders have followers because of their quick wit, humor, and good attitude. Good leaders lead by walking around in order for there be opportunities to develop good will among employees.

Leadership is affirmation and not only does it include being attentive to needs, it also understands that feelings matter. It also includes the ability to be fun-loving.

Leadership Article #4