Friday, September 04, 2020

Gnostic Code Contrary To Real Life!

You may be curious about the title and you may even wonder what I mean by Gnostic code contrary to real life. Today’s blog entry comes from an idea that struck me as I was thinking through how most people live by a code that is not always easy to decipher. I wonder, how many times do we apply Gnostic thinking to the every day life.

Gnosticism was something that was very prevalent in the New Testament but it was not exclusive to that time period. The apostle Paul spoke about this many times when he said that there is a group of people that he often referred to as leading a false religious beliefs called Gnosticism. It was a group of people who felt as if they had a secret yet special knowledge on all things spiritual. They elevated themselves above others as if they lived by a code that most had no way to decipher. It was a way of life that was held to a particular group and a particular way of life. A secret knowledge was the basis of their religious beliefs.

The gospel of Jesus Christ (as in mainline or evangelical churches) is open and free to everyone. The meaning of the gospel is simple to understand and it is based on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and not of ourselves. It is a way of life that is public and not private, open and not closed, known and not secret. It is understood universally not exclusively.

So, what do I mean by living our lives with a secret knowledge? I often believe that culture plays into this in many ways. There are secret traditions and ways of living that are only known by a few and for insiders more than outsiders. It is perhaps a cult rather than a sectarian religion.

Driving through Amish country I’m reminded that there are over 300 different types of Amish groups. They live life by a series of special codes and ways of life. For the average person it is hard to recognize them but let me tell you a few customs that distinguish themselves from others.

In the Amish life there may be rules that pertain to the type of horse and buggy you drive. Some have open tops while others have canopies. Some have no canopies at all. The way in which they dress may also distinguish them from one another. Some have buttons that are sewn on the outside while others have buttons that are hidden behind fabric. The way in which they wear their hat or the type of hat that they have can also distinguish them from one another. Some have high top while others have thick brims and others have no brim at all.

There are special codes in secrets hidden within the religion that somehow communicate a level of spiritual living. I’m not criticizing the Amish for their way of life, I’d rather admire them, it illustrates my point as it relates to evangelicals and others. We have a way of life that is hidden behind codes with nothing by which to decode it with.

It’s no wonder that evangelism is so difficult. As people trace their religious stream and attempt to defined their faith, they are often confused by the many denominations and churches that we have today. Too often people define their spirituality by their denomination in which most of us know that it is not what gives you access to heaven but it is a way that shows you how and who to believe in to get there. Many “followers” are prideful and maintain a way of life that is like living a secret life, like membership to a club that is only for certain people. 

What if we could explain our way of life in simple terms?

What if we could reveal in simple terms what it is to have faith and become a follower of Christ?

These gospel is pretty plain and easy to understand. We recognize that it is not based upon works or really anything that we do. It is not a mythical array of ideas. It is based on a set of core beliefs through Jesus Christ, who paid the price for our salvation.

Do we make being a Christian complex? Do we allow for God’s grace in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to develop a disciple? Or, have we fixated on the externals like our dress and hair style? Do we make being a Christian complex? Do we allow for God’s grace in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to develop a disciple? Or, have we fixated on the externals like our dress and hair style to determine play Grace is about?

The gospel is basic  and included simple ingredients. It certainly includes love but it is love that transforms our lives in reveals our potential in Christ. 

I remember attending a youth / family camp as a child in which I was restricted in what I could wear and even who I associated with. When I would go to camp meeting there was always somebody there to button my top shirt button and I was not permitted to wear a polo shirt. (Button down shirts and long sleeves were preferred.) They were concerned about my appearance perhaps more than my heart but I know that they love me just the same. The way in which they communicated it to me was out of great concerned for how I lived. 

Going to camp, in a way it was sort of like a Gnostic way of living. I didn’t understand the code but I complied. I didn’t know that there was a heart relationship that I needed to have with God that could bring me understanding of my lifestyle and choices in life. It’s funny but today I prefer to wear a button down shirts.

You may chuckle because in our current generation we are seen quite the opposite. The external dress and tattoos often camouflage the heart. It’s easy to make assumptions isn’t it? You’ve been there too, right!

My hope is that today you can reflect upon what is the secret code by which you live but never telling others about the hope of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that more is caught then taught but this is not true in every case. People will see your lifestyle and only judge it as different but not understanding the source upon which you define your life. Unless we tell them of a hope we have in Christ, they may never understand that they too can belong. They need to know that grace and hope are universally available through Christ.

The Scripture teaches that it’s important to tell not just show! I believe it’s never been more important for people to hear your testimony! People may think you are peculiar but unless you say that is because of Jesus, they will never understand why you are different.