Sunday, August 30, 2020

How Can I Pray For You?

 Just look around and you will see, we are living in deprecate times! People are discouraged, depressed, and dealing with destructive addictions of all kinds. I know that you see it too! It seems that we are seeing like never before in our lifetime, people are struggling. Lives are shipwrecked, broken on the shores of an angry ocean.

I believe that there has never been a better time to share our faith in Christ in my lifetime. People are looking for answers to complex issues. The world is angry, fearful, and confused like never before. When we are faithfully sharing g the Word of hope or our testimony of God’s faithful precepts and provisions, the world leans in because many want hope and Truth. 

One of the best ways I have found very effective to share my witness is through prayer! When we ask how can I pray for you, we will discover that people are open and willing to permit us to pray. I can’t tell all the ways I have found this to be true but let me tell you a couple of times I have experienced.

I love to do street evangelism. I am always amazed at how God leads and how the divine doorway opens. Time-after-time, I enjoy meeting strangers and asking them how I can pray for them. Few turn me down. 

Brandon is one example. I called to him across the parking lot. He was minding his own business as he walked across the way. When I called out to him, I simply asked one question. “Hey friend, how can I pray for you?” I imagine you can guess his response! “What?!” As I drew near, he almost took a few steps back. He didn’t expect this line of questioning. He quickly saw that I was sincere and with a smile, he saw that I was meaning to be friendly. We had a great time talking about the grace if God through Jesus. Sure, he told me what he was dealing with. He was surprised that I took a few bucks out of my wallet to meet his immediate need. Without judgement, I prayed for God’s grace and blessings to be upon him. 

I have traveled to hundreds of cities around the country. I have done this with hundreds of others, nearly every city I went through. Store merchants, clerks at grocery stores, waitresses, business men and women minding their own business, simply committing to work and while standing in line at fast food restaurants. (I prefer to go inside to place my order rather than drive-thru.) 

Another time I recall asking the question, how can I pray for you? I was simply going to grab a quick meal at a fast food place. Just outside the front door, being passed by others was a woman who looked to be homeless. I invited her to join me for a meal. I think she said yes only because she was hungry. Likely she thought I was strange. I was not someone that she would naturally share a meal with. 

As we placed our orders, I encouraged her to order anything she wanted. I said that she should buy somethings that she could have for a meal later or tomorrow. 

As we finished ordering g and paying, I asked her how Could I pray for her. Not thinking but, as I prayed for her I was holding up the line. I didn’t move out of the way, letting others order their meal. Interestingly, I quickly finished my prayer to loom up and see that everyone in line were also in a posture of prayer. No one rushed me. No one said mean things. In fact, I believe that they joined me in prayer because of their own need for prayer. Hope was present. The Kingdom of God had come to all of us during that time of prayer.

Like 10 is the biblical illustration that I often look to. Jesus sent out his disciples with very few instructions but as I study this passage, I am reminded that the goal was to make God’s Kingdom a reality for the least and the lost! 

Luke 10:9 — Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’

What am I saying? I believe that prayer is a Kingdom dominion act of faith! Try it? Don’t ask “Can I pray for you?” But ask, “How can I pray for you?” Don’t worry about being reject. Not everyone will respond but for those that do, God’s Kingdom will come near to those that participate! It is an act of your faith that draws others into God’s presence.