Thursday, October 03, 2019

Revival Unifies The Church & Mission.

They gathered to complain. They even called in the denominational leader, hoping that their complaint would be validated at the highest level. The pastor led a small congregation that was nearly closed. He desired to grow the church to the point that it could be sustainable. New people started to attend but had not yet assimilated into leadership. Their complaint? He preached too long; no, he didn’t preach long enough. Some complained that he spent too much time in outreach, while others complained that he was starting new things. Yet, others fussed that he rearrange the furniture. Their complaints rolled off their tongues so easily.

This story could be my experience or almost any pastor could share similar. We hear complaints about preferences while avoiding the topic, God’s Mission. Pastors are always developing Mission as the lead their local church. They’re making every effort to get their people on the same page so that together they could accomplish a unified effort.

This situation leads me to ask questions of revival. What would happen if the church sought revival and acted on it?

Here it is in plain sight. Acts 1:8 reminds us of our mission. Even as you turn over one page you will find Pentecost. These are the very acts of revival that included the disciples gathering  to pray and proclaim (witness of the Spirit).

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8
Revival is the very act of God working in and on His  people, calling them to a place on Purpose. He brings them to the mission. Undoubtedly this happens through corporate prayer. We find evidence of that during Pentecost. Yet, it brings us to a distinctive purpose.
"It is not always clear when prayer meetings are part of the revival itself or are proceeding it. But the distinction does not matter too much. Prayer is both the cause and result of the coming of the Spirit in revival." ~ Brian H. Edwards, Revival! A People Saturated With God, 78.
Revival does bring renewal to our soul. I believe it also does one more thing that I want to focus on in this article.

Revival brings the church together. Revival unifies the church and mission. Throughout the history of the Bible we find that gods people not only came together to pray but to also seek His Word.

One of my favorite books is, "A People Saturated with God." It was written by Brian H. Edwards, author of many books on revival and church history. His study on how revival happened in the Old Testament is remarkable. I highly recommend picking up a copy of the book and discovering what biblical revival really is.

I contend, as I read the scripture and study this book by Brian H. Edwards that revival unifies the church. We are forever, chronicled through history, dividing but revival will unite us on a common purpose. It is God‘s purpose to be his witnesses.

I am reminded of a story that you likely have heard. It is the story of a man who was stranded on a deserted island for years. After many years he was miraculously rescued. As the case revealed, he showed them where he had lived in the three huts that he had built. Each of them were magnificent structures and furnished well through the craftsmanship of many years, using only the provisions of his shipwreck and items available on the island.

"Wow!" They asked him, "What are these three magnificent structures?"  He replied, " The first one is where I live. This is where I spent much of my time dreaming of this wonderful opportunity to be rescued. The second structure is where I go to church." He told them, "I am a spiritual man and love God and every Sunday I would go and worship in this magnificent place!" They just had to marvel but asked about the third structure, "What is this third building?" He answered, "Oh, that building. That is where I used to go to church!"
He answered, "Oh, that building. That is where I used to go to church!"
You may laugh at the story but it is what the world sees in us. We are a divided house. In truth there is only one church (the church of Christ Jesus) but in reality we meet in many different locations! Those on the inside act as if they cannot see what is happening outside. Those who are on the outside see division which leads to confusion.

I enjoy the incredible idea of the church working in harmony and in unity to bring the message of the gospel to each one in our community. ReviveINDIANA brings a fresh wind of God Spirit that can unite the church and the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their answer to revival is simple: "ONE Church. ONE Message. ONE At A Time."

For these reasons I’ve always try to get involved in community events and networks as a pastor. It reminds me that in spite of our differences, we are still one body in Christ who is the head.
Revive Indiana is an example of what can happen when God’s people gather to pray together. - KPCNews Article.
Today, my ministry is with pastors. I am always attending minister meetings, in which I attended 17 groups in the month of September alone. When I pastored in Elkhart, Indiana in the 90’s, I was part of the ministry of March for Jesus which sought to unite the church in worship. At that time, I led and attended at least a dozen pastor prayer groups throughout the region.

Today, I even help lead a pastor’s group in my own community through the Marion-Grant County Ministries Fellowship. Through my local ministry and desire is to promote Christian foster care and adoption, which I believe should be a ministry of the local church, I also enjoy seeing the church work together in harmony. I’m challenged to ask the question, what if our churches came together to wipe out the growing orphan and foster care need by working together? Each one of our churches are filled with different gifts and abilities that together would make a significant impact on the over 17,000 children and out-of-home placement in Indiana today.

To the point, revival isn’t just something that makes us more religious, it is something that radically motivates our witness for Christ! We respond to the inner work of the Holy Spirit which causes us to love one another with great intensity and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In November we have the opportunity to see revival and our own community as we come together,  facilitated by the ministry of: ReviveINDIANA :: Grant County. This is our time!

Read more about the incredible stories from ReviveINDIANA through the book, Fire Within by Jesse Eisenhour