Wednesday, October 02, 2019

It’s a B-I-G Deal. 

You’ve heard the phrase before, it’s a big deal! Often someone wants you to sign on the dotted line as if you will miss out if you don’t agree with such a big deal. You can’t wait to tell everyone because you just got a really good deal on your purchase. That phrase often offers up a celebration and some high-fives.

Yet, there’s another way of looking at it. Perhaps it’s not as celebrated but the information that you read causes you to say, it’s a big deal. News that’s not so great is given to you and you don’t act little because it’s a big deal. Sometimes you even lean in a little closer to make sure that you’ve heard all the details because it is such a big deal.

Today I want to give us three things to think about related to the word, B-I-G. In contacts two are thinking about the phrase, it’s a big deal, I want us to imagine what God expects of us when we see how big of an issue something really is.

You may have even read the headlines or read the column on Facebook and you say to yourself, that’s a big deal. Of course, there are those times when it is no big deal at all. However, sometimes you read something that is remarkable, impressive, overwhelming, or outstanding. And your response you can’t help but say, wow! That’s a big deal!

In the state of information overload it is awfully hard to evoke emotion out of anyone anymore. It seems as though we are over exposed and nothing really impresses us anymore. Sure, there are those sensational times that catch us off guard but it must matter. It is a big deal.
I want to remind you today I have a topic that is a big deal!

You might look around your neighborhood and see nothing too impressive. In fact, in most cases it is hidden behind closed doors and only the headlines are we read. Sometimes we are shocked but it is in every neighborhood, not so visible but, nevertheless real!

In Indiana there are over 17,000 children and out of home placement. Many of whom are placed with relatives but most are not. Children, who have no fault of their own, or placed into foster care. Often waiting hours or days and potentially held in shelter care or in the office of a case manager.
The number 17,000 is just a headliner but it doesn’t get to the very depths of the issue. It’s usually the tragic headlines that wake us from our slumber and indifference.

I speak to hundreds of pastors a year about this very topic. I try not to impress but simply try to tell the truth about how important it is for the church to step in while others are stepping out. This type of discussion needs no headliner. Children in foster care need loving and caring adults to step in and open their homes to children in need.

My wife and I did foster care for nearly eight years in the suburbs of Chicago. It was frightening and rewarding. It was a time in our lives when we felt we could make a difference by opening our home to at-risk youth.We did what we thought was right by setting guidelines and parameters that would help you thrive as they prepared for the reality of becoming a young adult, when the system of care after ended.

It was a big deal to us. It was important to step in, as an adequate as we were, to help those in need. It is a big deal to those who step up to do foster care for vulnerable children and youth today. It is a big deal to those who enter into care through foster care and adoption.
Just how big is it? Let me break it down for you.


1. B stands for BEING AWARE of the needs of a lost generation of children and youth!

We shouldn’t look away and pretend that it’s no big deal. While the need is overwhelming it’s important that we truly make ourselves aware that today, countless lives are being impacted at no fault of their own! They are placed with family and in foster homes. We could see the statistics but we must go beyond the headlines. It means becoming aware!

"Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless…." Isaiah 1:17
2. I stands for INCREDIBLE MINISTRY to children and youth from every community!

There is an amazing amount of opportunity to impact the lives of children and youth who, I’ve no fault of their own, or placed in out of home placement. They are our most vulnerable and we must do everything we can to protect them and provide for their needs.
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Proverbs 31:8-9 
3. G stands for GOD, who loves it when we act in response to this need!

God would be pleased with us because these are orphans among us. They are children and youth whom we should not turn our backs on. We know that God would be pleased if we were to simply act in response to these needs. Simplex of caring and loving can look like collecting Christmas gifts or clothing or coming alongside foster parents who need us to build support around them as they care
for our most precious resource, children and youth.
"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me." Mark 9:37
The next time you think to yourself that it’s no big deal, join me as we make it a B-I-G deal.