Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What Will Last.

Rev. Rick Carder | Director of Church Engagement 

Doing what will last beyond ourselves is everyone’s goal and clearly it is in the hands of the mission-minded. Individuals and organizations place a high premium on developing its core value and purpose. It’s as if what we do here today echoes for eternity.

Jesus compelled his disciples to let the little children come to Him.. His intentional act of love shown to children points to our highest priority. James defined true religion as caring for the orphan, those who are the least and most vulnerable among us.

There are nearly 1/2 million children in foster care or waiting to be adopted with as many as 19,000 in the state of Indiana alone. (*) We can imagine fear and anxiety a child or teenager feels when they are in out-of-home placement. Many arrive to a foster home with all of their belongings stuffed into a plastic bag. Our systems of care are overwhelmed by their needs that often become tragic headlines.

Their story doesn’t have to end in headlines. Each of us possess the abilities and resources to make a difference in the lives of those we are called to love and protect. Are there tangible ways that you could make a difference today? Can you shelter just one, offering Christian hospitality? Will you be the catalyst that champions this cause for the least of these? Will you host a discussion or presentation about Foster Care & Adoption?

Together we can pray & make an eternal difference in the name of Christ!

Proverbs 31:8-9 reads; "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

*AFCARS Report / Indiana DCS