Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Worth: How Much Is One Life?

We have all heard it. We do it each day. We compare the cost. We may even consider how to find the bargain. 

One life is worth it - priceless! Priceless! 

We want to find the deal. We may even want to cheapen the cost. We may be tempted to find a cheaper way. 

What is one life worth? Now how much does it cost. It is the price we will pay for just one life? 

If it was for one of our own? We would do anything! We would pay any price!

Today, I am hearing a message that remind me that nothing, NOTHING is too much to pay for one life. 

What do you have in your hand? Moses was asked to give what he had to give. Interesting but we know that even the staff he held was God’s resource we need to use to pay the price! 

How much time do you have? It is too hard to give those extra few moments to listen? It is too costly to wait and listen? Is your time too costly to give away. 

How many fish do you have? The young child said, “I have my lunch.” What can Jesus do with such a small offering? Watch Him! Jesus fed thousands. How? He took what was not our to own to give it for God’s Glory. It is for God’s gain! His Kingdom come! Is it too much to give when God can multiply? 

Woman, give me something to drink! Jesus invited a woman to give. She was one whom culture said that she was not worthy. Jesus took her offering - something that was not hers to own. It was from Jacob’s well. Yet, she discovered a living water that shall always fulfill her greatest need! 

You? Me? Those that need our investment. Time. Possession. Talent. Only a little will produce much when it is given to the Master. 

Little is much when God is in it! 

Okay, so the world is not ok. It needs seed to grow. It needs nurtured. It needs watered. It needs what only God can give. 

It is too much to give away? Is it too much to let go of? 

What are you afraid of? Will you need it? Can’t God multiply your tithe? How about your time? What about your _______?

Worth. What is the cost of one life?