Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Impact On Me!

When I was a teenager I would attend special events called Youth for Christ rallies. I was able to hear speakers share relevant messages and hear music to my liking that was filled with words of hope and positive words that encouraged me to "hang in there!"  

I found that these were times that helped me make sense of my world. It helped me to understand the Bible and especially about Jesus. These messages helped me to deal with loss and emotional heartache I was experiences during those hard times.

Years later, I entered into ministry to youth. It was fun to help connect youth to similar messages of hope I once learned. These timeless truths were impactful.

Even during the years my wife and I did foster care in our home we were able to help bring understanding and hope to youth who were dealing with a lot of hardship and loss. For 18 years we had youth in our home (*including raising our own children).

In every year of our ministry --over 35 years now -- we have been involved in the ministry in one way or another, mainly hosting tables at fundraising events. Nothing was ever wasted in those efforts. Now serving full-time with YFC Northern Indiana has brought fulfillment for me and my family.

Our own children in their teen years were impacted by Campus Life leaders who gave of their time to listen and care for them!  Having positive and trusted relationships in their lives through an incredible youth ministry and minister was vital. They impacted our youth in ways we, as parents, were unable.

This movement both impacted me as well as my family. It is my turn to give back for the sake of the next generation. I may not be able to handle overnighter events, athletic activities has passed me by, and running around trying to keep up with youth is not easy anymore yet, this is one way you and I can make a difference. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES!