Friday, August 21, 2020

Kindness and Conviction Are Nearly Synonymous.

Thumbing through a series of memorization verses that I have recently been challenged to know, I came across a verse from Ephesians 4. The verse has brought me to a new understanding of the incredible work God wants to do in me and in all of our lives. 

It is always interesting to me that I could read the same passages over and over yet to find new meaning and application for my life in current times. You’ve been there too. As you studied a passage and even may have taught on it yet, down the road you read the same passage and see something that you never realized before. Thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and a personal growth that comes in our Christian lives. 

I am thankful that the Holy Spirit continues to work on me and in me to make me his disciple each and every day.

Ephesians 4:23 reads; “Be kind to one another. Tenderhearted. Forgive others just as God, through Jesus Christ, has forgiven you.“

I find two words that are rather synonymous as I memorize this passage of scripture. Kindness and conviction are both found here! Sure, do you see kindness? Of course you do! Can you see conviction here too? Not so apparent but wait for it. It is a conviction of a profound grace set loose in our lives as we realize and stand-fast on God’s command to forgive one another. Conviction holds us to this Truth; we are convinced like we have never been before! 

It’s no mistake that we find a proper etiquette for how we should treat one another while also being commanded to do what Jesus had done on our behalf. When I look over this passage of scripture I am more and more convinced of its truth and how necessary it is for our lives today! 

Kindness is synonymous with conviction. Well the two words have definitions and characteristics that are unique, yet they possess similar qualities that are synonymous with grace. It may be that these terms don’t sit in a list in your thesaurus yet each of them do possess the characteristic of forgiveness. 

Grace is of incredible worth. There are times in our lives when we must forgive but it can only happen through the power of God at work in our lives. Grace is not a word that comes from a strictly human context. Grace must come from outside of ourselves and likely resides where it has originated, with God through Jesus Christ.

I can tell you that even in my life I have needed to forgive though it did not happen in my own strength. Some acts of grievous condition are too horrible to be nonchalant and I response. We don’t shrug the bitterness we feel. 

The scripture that I am memorizing will take a lot longer to get into my heart and soul then just simply reciting the words. Be kind. Gracious. Forgiving one another. All of which can only happen through the power of God. Only as we are convicted to live out grace do we begin to understand the depth of such a passage! 

I can only better understand grace as I understand what it took for this to become a part of our index for life, the codex that holds all things together. It can only become a part of our glossary of terms as we understand the sacrifice of the One who exemplified its meaning! I can more appropriately respond to being kind toward one another, gracious toward one another, and forgiving one another as I know God’s gift toward me.

Grace makes kindness and conviction similar words! Conviction is what holds our compass (direction) in place. Conviction is what grounds our faith. We are convinced (conviction has this at the root) that this is Truth! 

So when we are kind (tender-hearted) we do so because we are convinced of the grace God freely gives! When we are kind, it is not just a polite gesture but it comes from a deep conviction, knowing of the grace God gave us! 

See how these words (kindness and conviction) are synonymous? They both related to grace that only God can give! 

The application of grace is yours for the taking! The rewards of knowing and applying Truth are what will sustain your life and soul. Try making a list of all the action steps that you can began because of grace. It is is this grace that you find yourself being more kind and convinced of the Truth of forgiveness!