Sunday, January 06, 2019

Affirmation Is Leadership: #9 Genuine Interest. An 11-Part Series. 

Leaders that are effective are people who are well-informed of activities in the organization. They take a vital interest in their employees.

The late Barbara Bush is a classic example. A friend of mine who served in the Secret Service served during the George H. W. Bush administration told me of how she genuinely took an interest in their welfare. He was with the security detail of the president and was often in the White House. Even after Barbara Bush died many complemented her ability to know, care about, and take a genuine interest in people who served in the White House. My friend told me that Barbara Bush kept a very detailed list of all who served and especially the Secret Service detail. When she would meet with each of the secret service she would know not only their family members names but also their birthdays and special hobbies and interest of the Secret Service. She would ask them questions about their goals and receive updates of family members who were sick. This level of interest increased her influence and made her a notable leader.

It is so important for leader to express interest in all their employees as well as members of their family. Some leaders feel as if they should be stoic and distant but an effective leader should receive updates and consistently remember the names of people that they meet in the organization.

Dave Ramsey: “True leadership a servant hood. Put the interest of others at the center of your decisions."

I know personally the importance of this leadership quality. I once served with a leader who would intentionally take time with each individual within the organization. He would spend time as well as have offsite meetings and conversations in order to convey affirmation. This showing of interest encouraged me to work harder and be more committed to the organization because I felt that I was an important part of the organization.

Showing genuine interest in others will motivate as well as help each person in the organization feel connected and it will engage them in each operation, driving the mission of the organization. Leadership is very different than simply managing. Leaders have a responsibility to demonstrate the capacity to lead while also showing a genuine concern for those that they lead.
A caring leader is intuitive, is aware of the small things. She notices a change in the mood of someone and will enquirer after their well-being with open, generative questions which recognizes the individual and what is happening for them in the moment. Global Leadership Foundation, Gayle Hardie
Leadership is affirmation. For leaders who show interest in others it is vital. As a leader recognizes this and intentionally put an effort into showing interest will reap an aw show interest in others is vital and as a leader recognizes this and intentionally puts an effort into showing interest will reap the reward of a positive work culture.

Read article #10 here.