Saturday, September 22, 2018

You Don’t Need To Believe in God To Go To Church, Do You?

You don’t have to believe in God go to church, do you? Intrigued? Perhaps this goes against everything that you have been taught. You may believe that only those who believe in God through Jesus Christ should even be in church.

If it makes it easier I could’ve entitled this, the benefits of community. Today I want to unpack for you some of the benefits that church offers, even to nonbelievers. Indeed, you may be right because for those that believe in God through Jesus Christ changes everything however, let’s explore a bit about what the church does for its community.

This idea came to me one day when I was ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. A family that I know came out of the store after shopping and I recognized one of the ladies. On occasion I’ve seen her at church but only because her mother made her go. I greeted them in my usual, and sometimes awkward way. I simply said, "Are you behaving yourself?" The 18-year-old woman looked at me as though I was an alien with a bit of a trouble look on her face, as if I knew something that I didn’t. She simply replied, "What do you care?" 

I laughed only because I felt a little bit of tension. Bravely I approached the question with a simple smile and a reminder that I have seen her in church from time to time. I told her that it is good that she attend a church from time to time. In the course of our conversation she blurted out, "I don’t even believe in God so why bother?" Not to let the conversation go I simply replied, "You don’t have to believe in God to go to church."

The look on her face was one of surprise. I wasn’t sure myself that what I said was helpful but it open up a conversation for just a few moments. I continued, "There are lots of reasons to go to church even if you don’t believe in God."

This is the nature of this blog entry. What are the benefits to church for those who don’t believe in God?

There is a statement that I believe and often say in the recruitment of foster care workers: "You may very well be the only reflection of love they see." As you go around living life expressing your love to people in tangible ways you are often confronted by an opportunity to demonstrate care. It is especially helpful if you show your loving attitudes in church as you’ve done in your community. The following are some of the benefits that I gave to the young lady about attend church.

1. You can network for employment. 

As I told the young lady who, at the time was not employed. I stated to her that the church is a place where people are looking for employees. I encouraged her to connect relationally with people so that people know that she is looking for a job.

Perhaps it’s not intended to be a social club yet this does mean that the opportunity is available for anyone at church.

2. You can find friends that care about you.

I told the young lady that it is a place where she can find others who would care about her. Her rough exterior may be more difficult than most to engage with however she can find trusting friends none the less.

3. There are services, beyond the worship service that can help.

Many churches these days have food pantries and other emergency care ministries for people. This is a wonderful place to be able to help people in hopes that they would reciprocate the opportunity.

4. When you have an emergency need, church people can be very helpful.

There have been times even in my own life when an emergency has arisen and the church has come through on my behalf. For nonbelievers it is a way for us as Christians to reflect the love of Christ in the lives of others.

There’s no question that the church is a gathering place for believers. It is also a lighthouse where nonbelievers can also feel comfortable in attending. Our signs on the outside usually convey an attitude of invitation. I’ve read many signs that promote the special events and activities. We even spent time training our greeters and ushers and how to help people feel welcomed. The scripture reminds us that God‘s Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11) and that the opportunity to witness is around us every day, even on Sundays when we are in church. We know that God‘s Word penetrates into the very soul of an individual and without casting judgment and criticism, we find that the word of God can change peoples lives.

You may be thinking, these are all selfish motivations for going to church. Indeed, you are correct but if the church is more than a museum for the saints but rather a hospital for the sick than this is in-keeping with its mission. The church is a place where people live life becoming caring, loving people of God. 

The church is not just for the super spiritual. It is a place of refuge and love for those in need.