Sunday, August 20, 2023

What Shall Remain.

Time keeps marching on. Change is the only constant that there is. With every shifting shadow we can rest knowing that there are some values that do not change. 

You may have heard that saying, “If you don’t like something, just wait, it will change.” Though it may not be what you wanted at least it is different. Change is inevitable. 

Today, I am reflecting on those things that will not change. What remains the same? there are many good values remain no matter what life invents, innovates, or instructs. Many things shall pass away. Some things yet remain. 

The way we do things changes. Life is always filled with surprises. Since things change we need to adapt and find new opportunities. From generation to generation, while people change we can find new opportunities. 

An example may pertain to music. What is your favorite genre? I enjoy music from the 60’s and 70’s. Though I graduated in the 80’s, music I listened to was from the generation from my older brothers. My radio is usually tuned to music from an era that was filled with rebellion and global crisis. Perhaps those times were similar to my growing up home life. 

I like listening to Christian music. It is familiar to me from my early church experiences. I grew up in Sunday School and Camp Meetings. I was a product of those times as well. Many of the lyrics brought me hope and the positive messages like the familiar words, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.”

Life will either keeps us on our toes or step on our toes. I prefer the former. Though it is harder to adapt and we have to integrate to the current times. We cannot remain the same because the way we did it doesn’t always work. Think about how you make a phone call today. 

The tools we have to work with are different. We can actually find great opportunities if we learn to adapt. I knew a wonderful woman who lived to over 106 years old. She impressed me because even at her later years, she got a computer tablet. It was complete with the internet and apps. I asked her why she got one of those. She told me of all the benefits like the ability to keep up with family and friends and even make video calls. 

Change happens whether we like it or not. We cannot prevent it. We certainly can defy and resist but it will only make us frustrated.  Even watching TV can be a challenge even with so many options from internet apps, streaming programming. Aerial (remember rabbit ears?) broadcasting is now digital.  

No matter the changes we can hold to some things that do not change. Think about it. What do you hold to that has value? Beside a good investment or even your home, all things will parish. 

What remains true? No matter the times, there are certain values that shall remain. 

When I served as a pastor in Elkhart, Indiana, I was also doing part time work in Juvenile Court. Each month I would hold a class for youth who shoplifted. The class was a way to keep these first-time offenders from having to face court. 

In this class I would talk about values. Most of the students that shoplifted had the money to pay for the item. There are many reasons why they stole something. Nevertheless, I would ask the students to prioritize their values. What is important to them. Most chose faith and family as highest on their list. It was  through those positive choices that they could find a constant.

As we too make a list of those values that matter we find a foundation of which we can build upon. 

What do you value most? These are many to choose from. Love. Forgiveness. Friendship, Faith, Peace. Truth. Integrity. Honesty. Many to choose from.

Those that believe in Christ can find His value system. The Bible is filled with eternal values. Grace is central to God’s plan through Christ. 

I often say that integrity is spelled with two eyes. I suggest that we should live a life based on true and timeless values. Remember, others are watching you! 

I have spent many years in ministry. I have been a pastor in churches, chaplain in jail/prison and to police officers, foster parent, youth worker, as well as related local volunteerism in nursing/retirement homes, hospitals, Court Appointed Special Advocate, Juvenile Probation and youth home, and the list continues. In every place I have found that for those that do not hold to a strong support base that is value based struggle with insecurities, fearful, uncertainty, or similarly. 

Today, write down the eternal values that you can build your life around. It is interesting that when you build on a good foundation or, like a tree, your roots go deep that you can withstand hardships. 

What is important to you that will not pass away? Today, we find that the world is insecure. Nevertheless, we can find a security based on those values that shall not pass away. They are the foundation you can build upon!