Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Hardest For Me is Solitude!

There are many disciplines in the Christian faith that I have mastered and yet there are a few that are the toughest for me. Simple disciplines perhaps are the toughest. 

Memorizing scripture and prayer come easy for me. Bible study isn’t all that difficult for me either. I have learned a few methods of study that make it easier. 

However, solitude is what I have yet to master.

Hope is a motivator for me to learn the disciplines of the faith. As I rest in these abiding activities I am taping into hope. These disciplines provide an eternal hope through peace and relationship through Christ. 

You might think that since I spend time reading scripture and I am in prayer, but that might be acts of solitude, but I assure you that I appreciate being in a worship service with others and praying with others as preferred over solitude.

If you know me, you wouldn’t find that very surprising since I am often for social. I enjoy sitting in a restaurant or cafĂ© reading and studying rather than being alone. There’s just something about the conversation as background noise that keeps me focused.

I have done personal retreats and the worst are those that include sitting alone, perhaps to journal or simply relax with no distractions is the goal, with a focus on the Lord. It is during those times that I think internally, recognizing my faults and needs.

It’s easier to keep busy! 

I can hardly sit still. I hate to wait! Even sitting in my backyard I think of things that need to be done and quickly go to aid my need to be busy. I can’t let grass growing in the patio without having to pluck it out. Weed seem to call my name! 

Maybe I have solitude all wrong but to focus on my personal worship well giving up control of everything is hardest for me.

Maybe you can relate but for now, I will just have to work at it. Luke most disciplines, it is work. 

What is your toughest spiritual discipline?