Friday, February 25, 2022

Knowing Why.

I may not have traveled the years of experience that others have yet, there are a few things that I have discovered along the way

One of those is that within all of us is a desire to make a difference. I believe that many desire to help others and  are motivated by a deep or more meaningful experience in life. It seems to be within our nature to help another.

Look for example, the many times that people have stepped up to help others in-need during a national crisis or global tragedy. We all have a desire to be helpful. Look at any organization and you will see that. Organizations experience an increase in volunteerism and donations that are abundant.

Hopefully we can say that growth of philanthropy is up when we reflect upon our global response to the pandemic but, only time will tell. Early in 2020 we did see an increase in financial contributions.

Today I want to explore this a little deeper. It’s a curious thing to me. I often wonder what motivates us to become more philanthropic. Certainly, it appears as though many have the resources to give. We also know that people seem to set aside time to help one another when called upon. I believe that everyone wants to make an impact.

It seems as though helping others is within our DNA. Maybe it’s because at sometime in our past we were in-need and someone helped us. Perhaps we responded with a level of thankfulness. Perhaps it’s because we are much more aware than we have ever been of the incredible need of others. We have sources through social media like never before. Our phone sends us notifications at an unprecedented level. 

Yet, I am curious of the motivation. Perhaps there is a part of God’s design within His creation that motivates us to act. I don’t believe that everyone is motivated by what they get out of it financially or through status. Call me a purist but I believe that people have a genuine desire to make a difference in others.

Some might even call me naïve to believe in the purest intent of humanity. It could be that I am looking at life with rose colored glasses. Of course, I see how selfish we can be as well. Look at how many times people have stocked up on supplies, emptying shelves of toilet paper and other necessities in order to hoard these items for themselves. 

A few years back when the world seem to be concerned about Y2K. (1999) I remember when our Boys Brigade ministry went out to collect our annual food campaign. Within a few weeks of the new year (2000) we scheduled an additional collection thinking that since we survived Y2K, the power systems didn’t crash and Banks did not fail that perhaps there are a few people that have a surplus. That year was a goal-setting year, a bumper crop! We collected more food than we had ever done before and much of it was in bulk supplies. We received canisters and buckets filled with grain & other goods. It was remarkable. So, I’m not that naïve to believe that people do hoard for themselves.

I do believe that people want to make a difference. I believe that Christians know why!

Yet, no matter the motivation or level of philanthropy, I believe that God has instilled this within all of us as a part of his creation. Many use this to promote their status. Perhaps many others use it like a drug; feeling good about themselves.

I do believe that the goodwill of mankind is something that God has instilled within us and it was not lost because of the Fall & disobedience of Adam. Scripture seems to support this idea when I read passages like: Matthew 25 or 2 Corinthians 9 or Luke 10. These passage give direct evidence of our humanity and desire to help others.

Matthew 25:35 I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home.

2 Corinthians 9:8 reads; And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

Luke 10:35 The next day he handed the innkeeper two silver coins, telling him, ‘Take care of this man. If his bill runs higher than this, I’ll pay you the next time I’m here.

Even throughout the Old Testament are passages the talk about having a generous spirit. Consider: Proverbs 11:24–25 or Proverbs 22:9. Read more HERE.

I believe Christians understand why we are generous. Christians have a good understanding, or at least should have an understanding that our goodness is for God’s  glory. We also should understand that no amount of goodness will gain us access into heaven. We must be born again by the spirit of God.

As we gain our understanding of why we do ministry and are charitable, we better communicate the hope that we have through Christ Jesus. It is not for ourselves nor for any kind of personal satisfaction or gain. As Christians, we know why because of our relationship with Christ. All that we do is for gods glory and for the building up of His kingdom here on earth.

We should never let our ego get the best of us or have a false doctrine is if , somehow, it will gain any extra favor from God. We love because God loves us. We give because it has been given to us through Christ Jesus. We, as Christians know why!