Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Harvest Time Looks Ahead!

I love the autumn season. It is this time of year where the weather is cooler and the colors are vibrant. I also love winter as well because, for those living in the north it means snow! 

Yet, harvest time is a beautiful time of year for sure! It is the last glimpse of the variety of color! 

Meterologist are not farmers but both have one thing in common. They both look ahead.

This time of year the harvest is being brought into the storehouse! In Luke we find the most interesting passage of scripture.

Luke 9:62
“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’”

This passage has many significant meetings and interpretations but the one that caught me today is perhaps speaking to me. My guess is that you’ve been there too if we were to sit down over coffee and discuss.

My schedule is full, just like yours. It seems that the more active that I am, the less I feel productive. At least I would expect more outcomes because of being more busy. You’ve been there too.

As I read this passage I am reminded that I need to always look ahead. Like the farmer and the meteorologist, they are both future oriented. Even when receiving the harvest, it is put in the store houses for future use.

When I planted my little garden I needed to mark my lines carefully. Had I looked back my lines would not have been straight. For those using a plow, the focus had to be on the future in order to see a straight line. Those that look back drifted to the left or to the right. John Green right, “if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working on it.”

For those using a plow, the focus had to be on the future in order to see a straight line. Those that look back drifted to the left or to the right.

If I set up my schedule, I should always be looking beyond the moment just see the horizon. Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.”

The Scripture says that if we join the family of faith, we should settle in for the long-haul and not the most recent benefits. The benefits come in the long-haul as well as in the short distance but we need not abandon our mission when the going gets rough.

Long-range objectives are what keep us going. We don’t quit when we receive short term gains! Investors will tell us that about our money. So too, our Lord wants us to be looking ahead and investing in His Calling and mission.