Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The More You DON’T Know!

The more you know, the less you really know. It makes sense when you think about it. It seems that the more you discover the more questions you really have about the discovery. Inquisitive minds are interested in unraveling the mysteries of this world. Truly the inquisitive mind is humble enough to admit their need for answers.

Some of the smartest people are also humble enough to admit that there’s so much more to learn. Smart people ask good questions. You met them and so have I; they are the ones that ask because they seek to understand. They explore the things we are too afraid (too intimidated) to explore. They don’t settle with just knowing and are not too proud of what they have discovered.

I’m certain that you’ve met them too; the know-it-all’s! Really good information comes from planting often and waiting fir a good return on our pursuits.  

Wisdom can be traced to asking good questions of the One who created us. Solomon knew that the awesome fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. 

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom.

Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment. (Proverbs 9:10)

Start asking questions to discover Truth. The answers are like buried treasures. Their value is in the searching and once found, it is cherished. Yet, it caused the truly interested sealer to see for deeper meaning with every new discovery. 

Star today by asking these simple questions: Why do I exist? What is God teaching me about myself? How does that inform my decision making?