Tuesday, January 12, 2021

We Saw His Star And Followed!

“We saw his star…” (Matthew 2:2) Seeking for over a year, the Wisemen followed a star and finding Jesus they worshipped. They were seeking and found the only One who is worthy to worship. They spend their wealth, traveled a long journey, and gave what they had to Jesus.

The wisemen searched in faith. They seemed to know that the baby Jesus was royalty. Foretold that this child born would be the savior of all mankind. The wisemen devoted themselves and their resources to finding what the sign in the stars promoted! 

If you were to visit royalty for the very first time, how would you respond? What gifts might you bring? When you finally arrive at what you search for, is it worth it? Wise men seek Him today! 

The journey of wisemen can also be ours as well. For the wisemen, they were not disappointed. The searched for this new child who would save us from our sin. Seeking and finding the fulfillment of their hopes! 2021 can begin your journey or for many, it fulfills your longing heart seeking the One worthy to worship. 

What are you seeking today? What is worth all your seeking? Finding Jesus, they worshipped!