Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A New Set of Rules

A new set of conditions are being imposed on us as we are engaged in the response to #Covid19 (yes, the hashtag is intentional). We are faced with a new set of rules on how we interact with others. New terms have been introduced to us like, Social Distancing. Many are under stay-at-home mandates unless for essential purposes.

Yet, it must be understood that we have the same God. He is in control and this is not a surprise to Him. God is the same as he has always been. Each and every day we discover something new in the midst of challenging times. I know for me, I’ve had to make changes to my schedule and these days are so very different than some challenges I have faced in the past.

We all have to make changes in our activities and we continue to learn as God is leading. We must learn to adapt to changes. Recently in the state of Indiana it is illegal now to hold a cell phone while driving. That will change how people drive, and for those who work from the mobile office it will mean additional challenges. I use earbuds for my iPhone in order to make and receive phone calls. I travel across the state using electronic maps to guide me. I have to work smarter these days. All that to say that I have learned to adapt.

Today my thoughts are on the eve of taking a few days off from my travels and setting aside my cell phone as part of the new set is rules being imposed. The coronavirus has changed how all of us go about our daily activities. We live in very unusual days where fear and uncertainty seem to occupy our country. Whatever we are not able to control our future, we tend to become complainers and grow uneasy.

Today, I want to remind myself, as well as you that our God is the same as He has always been. None of these events are a surprise to Him. 

Given the circumstances of the #coronavirus (hashtag and all) we have all have to make changes to our routines. Hopefully we have become more compassionate people as well. We hope that our concern and ununcertainty will become transformed into a concern for others and a certainty in God, through Christ Jesus.

I am reminded that the scripture tells us at no matter our circumstances or whatever trial we may be faced with that God is still in control. Whether I’m reading in the book that Peter wrote or he indicated a confidence in God saying that we could cast all of our cares on Him because He cares for us. Even as I browse the book of Philippians I find an optimism in Paul’s writings that even though he was in chains and imprisoned Paul states that the gospel is not in chains. Reading the words of Jesus, the red letters of the Bible, I find that God‘s kingdom is always advancing, even though I don’t fully understand things this side of heaven. I read in the Old Testament how the prophets spoke of days like this and called people to repentance, to turn to the Lord for strength.

During these times, the church is discovering new ways to provide ministry. It is finding new avenues to being together in worship. It is a looking to new ideas for how to be in the community, not just a church behind closed doors.

Take time to not only be in prayer and the reading of God‘s Word but also read relevant books and articles that keep us alert and aware during these unusual days. Limit your social media because it can become a distraction but be intentional as you post encouraging messages and even sending private messages to friends and family.

Recently our team at White’s Residential and Family Services has had to deploy a new method for engaging churches since so many pastors and others are no longer meeting face-to-face. Instead, we have decided to pray for pastors and ministry leaders and then to send them a message of hope through email and even other social media platforms. 

These are things we all can do to maintain a connection with others. We can have a ministry of love without even leaving our homes. Picking up the phone and communicating with others makes a powerful difference. Let’s be bearers of the Good News of Jesus Christ and share the Hope we have in Him.