Saturday, August 04, 2018

I am back!

Taking a break from your objectives can be therapeutic. In fact, there is a great perspective gained by stepping away from something for a while.

My last entry was left at a low point. It was not intentional nor was it because I dropped off the earth. It was just a timing thing. I needed to step away from the idea of Crisis Evangelism. Was what a new term at the time (2005) is now a common language with organizations like the United Methodist Church and Samaritan's Purse.

I have stated a new chapter in life and ministry. I am now working with churches to engage them around foster care and adoption in Indiana. White's Residential and Family Services - White's Website

This ministry is highlighted in my weekly newsletter - Fostering Family Values highlights positive stories related to families - foster homes and adoption. 

I hope to bring you more soon.

Rev. Rick Carder