Sunday, October 01, 2006

Demas loved the world.

In 2 Timothy 4:9 we read that Paul encouraged the believer to live a life worthy of receiving a crown or prize for eternity. This is good advice. He also illustrates this by giving a negative example in Demas.

Little is known of Demas. We know that he has left the faith. He chose the goods of this life and missed the eternal reward of God. Imagine reading the Sunday's paper only to find your name in print for choosing not the things of God.

In life, many would rather choose the things that bring pleasure and accumulate stuff of this world. But what of the non-tangibles? There are many whose worldly intangibles are just as worldly. Think about the many worries we amass. Think of the many anxieties we worry about. They are not things but have the same results.

We, like Demas, who live worldly lives. Worry and anxiety are just as natural. These things will also distract us from the faith God wants to give us.

The next time you find yourself in a crisis and you resort to worldly influence, consider this; God will reward our enduring faith that is laid up for Christ's glory. Storms will come (just as the disciples realized when caught up in a storm with Jesus) and they will challenge our faith. God wants to strengthen us and help us in times of trouble. He is faithful.

Let us run the race marked out for us. Let it not be said that (insert your name) "Demas" loved the world.