Monday, September 25, 2006

Does God Really Love Me? How can I be Sure?

Many ask, does God love me? They wonder, if God loves me, why doesn't He make life easier for me? If he loves us, why is there so much suffering and global poverty? Shouldn't He make life easier. If He love me, wouldn't He provide, protect and preserve me; keeping me from harm or hardship.

The Bible is clear. God loves me. Never do we need to doubt this. Passage after passage the Bible is clear. However, many look at life and judge God's love by what inequaties they see. Perhaps you also see this and wonder too. The news and media certainly provide enough evidence that may cause you to doubt God's love. Why, even the weather report is bad news!

The author of 1 John certainly speaks to this theme. His message is that of God's love. These inspired words of God provide a clear answer to the question of love. It also speaks of the fallen world we occupy. There are many who suffer. There is world hunger. We know of terribly evil deeds that occure. Wars exist. Hate is evident. Greed is on the rise.

God is aware of all of this. He so loved us that He sent a means of hope and rescue from this world. This is the message of the evangelicals and the mission of evangelization. We know our redeemer lives so that we too can live.

Now, for the message on suffering. The Bible says that we walk by faith and not by sight. If we were to gather all the evidence we see and ignore the evidence we do not see we miss the fundamental Truth of God's unfailing Love. God knows of our suffering and the hurt and pain of those living in poverty, sickness and hardship of every kind. He has provided peace in the midst of broken pieces. We live in a sin-fallen world but God, through Christ, has give us new life and a hope of an eternal home in heaven. This is a place where there is no more suffering or pain.

Does God really love me? How can I be sure? Read Psalm 84. His master plan of salvation is trustworthy! In verse ten it reads, "A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked." We can be sure of His love because of the precious hope in Jesus. Read John 3:16-17 and discover this blessed hope for yourself.